DPA Professionals
DPA Professionals sounds the gong for Sustainable Tuesday
Leonie Jesse, director of DPA Sustainability, opens the trading day on the with the traditional sounding of the gong. DPA (ticker symbol: DPA) raised awareness for Sustainable Tuesday and the importance of sustainability in general.
Sustainable Tuesday is a special day on which, since 2012, the sustainable throne speech takes place and a platform is given to hundreds of sustainable ideas and initiatives from all corners of our society. DPA Sustainability was founded earlier this year and supports organisations in realising their ambitions and objectives in the area of Sustainability & Social Responsibility. DPA Sustainability focuses on the financial sector, the supply chain and the public sector.
DPA Sustainability is part of DPA Professionals, a Dutch operating service provider for and by specialised professionals whose mission is to help people and organisations to get the most out of themselves.
For more information: www.dpa.nl