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Museum Night


Gong in the run-up to Museum Night

The gong is sounded by Jordy den Haan, Community Manager of the Museumnacht Amsterdam Foundation. In the run-up to Museumnacht on Saturday 3 November, he and his team were invited to come and open the exchange.

The foundation was established in 1999 to build a bridge between the Amsterdam museums and the young people of the city. It is the mission of the Museumnacht Foundation to constantly activate a new generation of young people to visit a museum. With a core focus on the annual Museumnacht Amsterdam. During this night over 55 museums open their doors during the night for more than 32.000 young people from Amsterdam.

Their function translates into a vision on youth marketing in the form of an advisory, investigative and experimental role in relation to the Amsterdam museum sector. In this way, the Foundation informs, inspires and advises the Amsterdam museums to increase the proportion of young museum visitors living in the Greater Amsterdam region.

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