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Young Captain Award 2016


Winner Young Captain Award 2016 visits Amsterdam exchange

The winner of the Young Captain Award 2016 opens trading at the Amsterdam exchange of Euronext. The highly esteemed jury held Maarten Meijs, managing director Talpa Global, part of Talpa Media, as the most promising and innovative business leader for the nearby future.

After a thorough selection the jury has elected three nominees for the Young Captain Award.
Co-nominees of the winner Maarten Meijs, were Marie Pauline Lauret , Corporate Director Internal Audit bij AkzoNobel. And Francine van Dierendonck, CEO of Xenos, part of the Blokker Holding.

The Award will be presented for the 12th time. It is presented on a yearly basis to the most talented business leader who stands out for the influence within the company he or she has shown at a relatively young age and in a remarkable early stage of his or her career. The Young Captain gives proven evidence of a vision on economic and political level. It concerns leaders who represent a promise and who stand out for their guts, drive and authenticity. They think international en look at leadership as a societal, personal and economic responsibility.

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