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All Bell ceremonies

  • 772382e2ad51-da76-4ca9-bed6-3eac8456291b

    Opening bell to celebrate the opening of the Annual conference of Euronext stock exchange

    Opening bell of the European cash  markets to celebrate the opening of the 3rd Annual conference organised by Euronext on December, 4 in Paris.

    Nearly 800 attendess from the financial community dedicated to Capital Market, listed companies and players of the Private Equity gathered around testimonials and  sharing of experiences.

    This 3rd edition, animated by BFM BUSINESS, is sponsorised by BNP Paribas Securities Services, EY, Scope Ratings, Edison and Invest Securities, with the support of AFG, AFIC, BVA, CGPME, Citizen Entrepreneurs and CFnews

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    Société Générale celebrates the launch of the Certificate 100% Investir 10 – Grandes Valeurs

    On Tuesday 3rd December, Société Générale & Investir teams rang The Opening Bell in Paris to celebrate the launch of the Certificate 100% Investir 10 – Grandes Valeurs.

    Tradable as easily as a share on Euronext Paris, the Certificate 100% Investir 10 – Grandes Valeurs tracks the performance, with no leverage, of the l’Indice Investir 10 – Grandes Valeurs. Annual management is 1,50%.
