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Cancellation of registry of bonds issued by TAGUS - Sociedade de Titularização de Créditos, S.A.



NOTICE N.º 0865/22

We hereby inform that, for taking its total redemption, on 22th August, 2022, by indication of the Issuing Entity, one has cancelled the registry of the following issues:

PTTGUIOM0007 TGUIOM TAGUS/2010 - Nostrum Mortgages Nº 2 - Class A - Floating Rate Securitis.Notes due 2065
PTTGUJOM0006 TGUJOM TAGUS/2010 - Nostrum Mortgages Nº 2 - Class B - Floating Rate Securitis.Notes due 2065
PTTGUKOM0003 TGUKOM TAGUS/2010 - Nostrum Mortgages Nº 2 - Class C - Securitisation Notes due 2065

Euronext Securities Porto, 22th August, 2022