Take positions on dividend payments so you can hedge your exposure or diversify your portfolio. Choose from dividend futures on a single stock dividend, or on dividends from a whole index.
Single Stock Dividend Futures (SSDFs)
Dividend futures allow market participants to take a view on cash flows linked to dividend payments.
- Trade Europe’s widest choice of Single Stock Dividend Futures
- 320+ contracts available for trading
- 30+ contracts in our range can only be traded via Euronext, including many of our SSDFs on U.S. underlyings
- New 6-month and quarterly maturities on dividend futures now available for trading
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New margin model for Euronext Single Stock Dividend Futures (SSDF)
Euronext's new risk model for SSDF improves margin levels and complements clearing efficiencies at the portfolio level. This model and the competitive trading fees make our range of Single Stock Dividend Futures highly attractive.