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Euronext Securities Oslo is the National Numbering Agency in Norway

The service provided offers the requisition of «International securities identification number (ISIN), «Classification of financial instruments» (CFI) and «Financial instruments short name» (FISN) for Norwegian securities.

The service is offers a structured and unique identification of all financial instruments that are subject to trading. The service is considered to be a natural part of the process associated with the registration of the issuer and instrument in Euronext Securities Oslo.


International Securities Identification Number

ISIN is a structured and unique identification of all financial instruments. The number consists of 12 characters, where the first two digits are the country code of the national number allocator (ISO 3166), the next 9 characters are alphanumeric and the last digit is a control digit.


Classification of Financial Instruments

CFI is an international description that classifies financial instruments, specifically intended for data processing.


Financial Instrument Short Name

FISN is a standardized short and consistent description of financial instruments. FISN consists of the issuer’s short name and a short characteristic of the financial instrument.

For more information, please contact us