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Our Services

What we offer

Euronext Securities Porto, as CSD under Regulation (EU) No. 909/2014 of 23 July (CSDR), is responsible for organizing and managing Custody and Settlement Services, complying with the highest international standards of service and security.

We offer a comprehensive suite of services to meet the diverse needs of financial market participants. From managing securities settlement systems to providing ancillary services such as code allocation and information services, we ensure efficiency, security, and transparency throughout the financial ecosystem.

  • Centralised Systems

  • Settlement Systems

  • Other Services

ES-PRT Services Settlement

Centralised Systems

The Centralised Systems at Euronext Securities Porto encompass the registration, control, maintenance, and cancellation of securities.

These systems consist of an interconnected set of accounts through which securities are created, transferred, and monitored. This includes tracking the quantity of securities issued, in circulation, and the rights associated with them.

Participants in the Centralised System include issuer entities, financial intermediaries, and other entities that, according to applicable laws and regulations, may assume the status of affiliates (such as custodians, CCPs, other CSDs), Banco de Portugal, and even Euronext Securities Porto itself as the controlling entity.

Financial intermediaries are fully responsible for the maintenance and movement of securities in individual registry accounts opened in their books and global accounts opened in the Centralised System. This responsibility is governed by applicable laws and regulations, specifically the Securities Code, CMVM’s Regulation No. 14/2000, and INTERBOLSA’s Regulation No. 2/2016.

The Centralised Securities System ensures all necessary procedures are in place to facilitate the exercising of patrimonial rights concerning the securities registered in its system.

Settlement Systems

Euronext Securities Porto is responsible for the organization and management of Securities Settlement Systems in order to ensure, namely, the transfers of money associated with the transfers of securities or inherent rights and guarantees regarding operations over securities.

Participants in the Securities Settlement Systems include financial intermediaries affiliated with Euronext Securities Porto and other similar entities (e.g., CCPs, other CSDs) that, under current laws and regulations, may assume affiliate status. These participants ensure the physical and financial settlement of transactions carried out on regulated markets, multilateral trading systems, and Over-the-Counter (OTC) transactions.

Real Time Settlement System allows for the registration, matching, and settlement of transactions and movements in Euros and Free of Payment (FOP). Since March 2016, Euronext Securities Porto has participated in the TARGET2-Securities (T2S) platform, providing securities settlement services to its participants in Central Bank Money.

Payments in currencies other than Euro, not accepted by the T2S platform, are processed in the Non-Euro Settlement System (SLME) managed by Euronext Securities Porto that sends the payment instructions to the Non-Euro Payment System (SPME), operated by Caixa Geral de Depósitos, in a commercial bank money model.

Other Services

Euronext Securities Porto offer services  designed to enhance efficiency, security, and transparency for all participants in the financial ecosystem.

(but not limited to):

  • Allocation and Management of Codes: As the National Numbering Agency, we manage ISIN, CFI, and FISN codes.
  • Investment Funds Order Routing: Facilitating efficient order routing for investment funds.
  • CSD Links: Establishing links with other central securities depositories.
  • Information Services: Providing regular statistics, historical data, and financial information.

Additionally, Euronext Securities Porto offers issuers with registered securities in the centralised system the following services through the private area of the My INTERBOLSA portal:  information on the identification of shareholders and beneficial holders. After collecting and consolidating the data, the requested information is provided securely in the dedicated area.   Issuers may also send  general meetings notifications via the same reserved area.