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National Numbering Agency

Euronext Securities Porto is the entity that acts as the National Numbering Agency, in Portugal, ensuring in this context the assignment of ISIN-International Securities Identification NumberCFI-Classification of Financial Instruments and FISN-Financial Instrument Short Name, at the request of interested parties, namely the Issuers, the Financial Intermediaries which provide intermediary services related to the concerned securities, Banco de Portugal (the Portuguese Central Bank) as well as other National Numbering Agencies.

National Numbering Agency Functions

Assigning codes

Assignment of ISIN, CFI and FISN codes to all securities issued in Portugal, as well as to other financial instruments in line with the ISO (International Organisation for Standardisation) standards and the ANNA-Association of National Numbering Agencies, S.C.R.L. guidelines.


Nationwide disclosure of the ISIN codes and information providing to all ANNA members.


To act as intermediary between the national entities and the other National Numbering Agencies.


How to request an assignment of an ISIN code

  • Request to the following email:
  • Documents to identify the security / financial instrument: Article 5 of the INTERBOLSA Regulation No. 10/2003.
  • Decision: Codes are assigned in less than 24h.
  • Cost: The assignment of an ISIN code is free.

All additional information relating to ISIN codes is charged and the appropriate fees are set out in the following documents:



Support documentation

  • INTERBOLSA Regulation No. 10/2003 – ISIN Numbering;
  • ISO Standard 6166 – Securities and related financial instruments – International Securities Identification Numbering System  (ISIN);
  • ISO Standard 10962 – Securities and related financial instruments – Classification of Financial Instruments  (CFI);
  • ISO Standard 18774 – Securities and related financial instruments – Financial Instrument Short Name  (FISN).
  • ISIN uniform guidelines related to ISO 6166;
  • ISIN Quality Management;
  • ISO 18774 – FISN – Registration Procedures;
  • ISO 18774 – FISN – Abbreviation list;
  • ISO 18774 – FISN – Implementation Guidance Notes.

As National Numbering Agency, Euronext Securities Porto is prepared to assign ISIN, CFI and FISN codes to the following categories of securities / financial instruments:

  • Collective investment vehicles
  • Debt instruments
  • Entitlement (Rights)
  • Forwards
  • Futures
  • Listed options
  • Non-listed and complex listed options
  • Others (miscellaneous)
  • Referential Instruments
  • Shares (equities)
  • Spot
  • Strategies
  • Swaps

ISIN information

The ISIN codes assigned by Euronext Securities Porto are available:

→ STD (Data Transfer System)

In the STD (Data Transfer System) for securities registered and not registered in the Centralised System managed by Euronext Securities Porto.

→  Registered securities list

In Euronext Securities Porto website “Documentation” menu, only for securities registered in the Centralised System.


At My INTERBOLSA -– My QUERIES menu / Active securities with ISIN Code, registered and not registered in the Centralised System.

Euronext Securities Porto’s recommendation regarding the LEI Code

The LEI (Legal Entity Identifier) Code was created following a recommendation from the G20, with the aim of identify, clearly and unequivocally, all legal entities that intervene in financial transactions, in any jurisdiction.

The LEI Code is already a requirement foreseen and required in European Union directives and regulations.

Euronext Securities Porto, as National Numbering Agency and a member of ANNA – Association of National Numbering Agencies, recommends, based on the Guidelines for the assigning of ISIN codes, that all entities with securities for which an ISIN code has been assigned, be identified by a LEI Code .

The EURONEXT Group, of which Euronext Securities Porto is a member, has a duly accredited entity for issuing these codes, Euronext Dublin.

ES-PRT Services codes