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Oslo Børs Senior Management

Øivind Amundsen - CEO - Oslo Børs

Øivind Amundsen


Øivind Amundsen took up his position as Chief Executive Officer of Oslo Børs on 1 February 2020. He came to Oslo Børs in 2010 as head of the legal departement. Øivind has held previously the positions as partner in the lawfirm Selmer working with Public Equity Capital Transactions and Executive Vice President Corporate Affairs in KLP. Prior to this he worked, among others, several years as lawyer in the legal department at Oslo Børs. Øivind is Cand. jur from the University in Bergen, Authorized Financial Analyst from The Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration in addition to higher officer from the Norwegian Naval Academy.

Eirik Høiby Ausland - EVP Primary Market & International Listings - Oslo Børs

Eirik Høiby Ausland

EVP Primary Market & International Listings

Eirik Høiby Ausland is responsible for the primary market at Oslo Børs. Since 2008 he has held various roles in the bond and stock markets at Oslo Børs, most recently as responsible for the shipping sector and new client relationships. Eirik holds a MSc in Finance from University of Essex. He is also a NFF Fixed Income Analyst and a Certified European Financial Analyst (CEFA) from NHH.

Siri Bjørnsen - HR Director - Oslo Børs

Siri Bjørnsen

HR Director

Siri Bjørnsen joined Euronext (Oslo Børs and Euronext Securities Oslo) in June 2022. Siri has worked in HR throughout her career, starting up in the IT industry with Dell, moving to FMCG with PepsiCo and latest insurance industry at Codan, a part of RSA Insurance Group. She has strategic and operational experience and solid business acumen. She is known as a solution-oriented team player with a passion for people, cross-functional collaboration and engagement. Siri has a Bachelor in Marketing from BI Norwegian Business School/NMH.

Mads Ekeberg - IT Manager - Oslo Børs

Mads Ekeberg

Head of IT

Mads Ekeberg is responsible for IT at Oslo Børs, a role he has held since February 2022. Mads has been working at Oslo Børs since 2017 and has been involved in full-stack system development of internal and external applications.

Mads holds a bachelor's degree in information technology from the  University of South-Eastern Norway (USN).

Ove Heiberg - EVP Secondary market Oslo Børs

Ove Heiberg

EVP Secondary Market

Ove Heiberg is responsible for the secondary market at Oslo Børs. He joined Oslo Børs on 1st of July 2020. He has since then held various positions within the index and equity business of Euronext. Ove holds a MSc in Finance from Nova School of Business and Economics

Lars Petter Olsen, Euronext Oslo Børs

Lars Petter Olsen

Head of RISK, Compliance and Market Surveillance
Cathrine Lorvik Segerlund - Communications Manager - Oslo Børs

Cathrine Lorvik Segerlund

Communications Manager

Cathrine Lorvik Segerlund is responsible for communications and events at Oslo Børs, and part of Euronext’s press team. She joined the company in August 2021, after holding a similar position at Swedbank Norway. Prior to this she worked as Senior Communications Officer at Kommunalbanken and was for a longer period advisor and senior project manager at Geelmuyden Kiese. Cathrine holds a master’s degree in Strategic Communications from Lund University.

Picture of Gunn Gåsdalen Slettemo

Gunn Gåsdalen Slettemo

Head of Oslo Corporate Actions


Kjell Vidjeland - Head of Legal and Regulation - Oslo Børs

Kjell Vidjeland

Head of Legal and Regulation

Kjell Vidjeland is head of the legal department. He has been with Oslo Børs since 2010. He has previously worked as an attorney with the lawfirms BA-HR and Allen & Overy London, specialising in capital market transactions and regulations of financial markets. Kjell has legal education from University of Oslo (cand.jur) and from London School of Economics (LLM).