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Identification of Securities Holders

The Identification of Securities Holders is a service provided by Euronext Securities Porto to the Issuers.
It consists in providing information on  the identification of the beneficial holders, in whole or in part, of the securities registered in the centralised systems managed by Euronext Securities Porto, as well as the quantity held by each one.

On September 3, 2020, changes were made to the Identification of Securities Holders process in order to comply with the requirements of the Shareholders Rights Directive II.

Information flow

ES-PRT Information Flow

① – Issuer sends the request to Euronext Securities Porto through My INTERBOLSA

② – Euronext Securities Porto validates the request

③ – Euronext Securities Porto sends the notification of the request to its Participants, through STD (NOTIDTIT) or ISO 20022 messages (seev.045), if previously subscribed

④ – On record date after the end of day Euronext Securities Porto sends to its Participants, through STD, the positions to be identified (PNA file). For requests with a reference date in the past (up to 1 year) the PNA file is sent at the end of the day the request is notified

⑤ – Euronext Securities Porto Participants send, through STD, the information of the end investors identification (FIA file) and the detailed securities positions (DPN file) or through ISO 20022 messages (seev.047), if previously subscribed. For the financial intermediaries over the custody chain the information must be sent by ISO 20022 messages (seev.047), if previously subscribed, or through My INTERBOLSA – DPN-CLI File (see layout in Support Documentation, on this page).

⑥ – Euronext Securities Porto validates the information received

⑦ – Euronext Securities Porto sends the status advice of the information received

⑧ – Euronext Securities Porto consolidates the information received

⑨ – Euronext Securities Porto sends to Issuer, through My INTERBOLSA , the information of the end investors identification (DN file)


Aditional information can be found at Shareholders Rights Directive II page.

About the information

The requests for the identification of beneficial holders of the securities registered in the Centralised Securities System managed by Euronext Securities Porto may be carried out through the private area of its web portal – My INTERBOLSA.

The requests can be sent with a reference date in the future, or with a reference date in the past (up to 1 year).

The requests with record date in the future should be sent at least 5 working days prior to the requested reference date


Issuers of registered securities, in book-entry or certificate form and registered in the Centralised Securities System managed by Euronext Securities Porto, or other entity duly mandated for this purpose – Issuer’s Agent, may upon request, have access to information on the identification of the beneficial holders of the securities they have issued, as well as the quantity owned by each one.

Following an identification of securities holders request received by Euronext Securities Porto, the information regarding the identification of the holders is collected from Euronext Securities Porto Participants with a position in the securities accounts at the end of the day on the reference date (Record Date) and received from the intermediaries all over in the custody chain.

For the requests with a future reference date the information is then sent to the Issuer, after consolidation, within the following deadlines:

  • For securities in scope of the Shareholders Rights Directive:

    Up to the deadline established by the Issuer to receive the information (this date should not be less than the fourth business day following the reference date)
  • For securities outside the scope of the Shareholders Rights Directive:

    Up to the fourth business day following the reference date

For requests with a reference date in the past (up to 1 year), the information, once received from intermediaries and consolidated by Euronext Securities Porto, is sent to the Issuer until the Issuer deadline.




Support Documentation

  • PDF

INTERBOLSA Regulation 2/2016


INTERBOLSA Regulation 2/2016 English
  • PDF

Manual Operativo da INTERBOLSA


Manual Operativo da INTERBOLSA Portuguese
  • PDF

Identification of Securities Holders (Layouts)


Identification of Securities Holders (Layouts) English
  • XLSX



English DPN-CLI file EN /sites/default/files/2024-02/202203_DPN_CLI%20excel-layouts-EN.xlsx