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Regulated Markets and MTFs

Euronext operates Securities Markets (in Amsterdam, Brussels, Dublin Lisbon, Milan, Oslo and Paris) and Derivatives Markets (in Amsterdam, Brussels, Lisbon, Milan, Oslo and Paris). These Euronext Markets are Regulated Markets within the meaning of MiFID II. They are connected via a single trading platform and a unique single order book, enabling investors to benefit from being able to trade, clear and settle in a uniform way across various jurisdictions whilst also accessing a broad and deep pool of liquidity.

In addition to the Regulated Markets, Euronext also operates several markets that are regarded as Multilateral Trading Facilities (MTFs) pursuant to MiFID II and that have their own dedicated Rule Books.

Regulatory and Supervisory frameworks

The national regulators of Euronext’s markets are parties to a Memorandum of Understanding that established a “Euronext College of Regulators” and provides a framework to coordinate their supervision and regulation of the business and of the markets operated by Euronext.

These regulatory authorities have identified certain areas of common interest and have adopted a coordinated approach to the exercise of their respective national rules, regulations and supervisory practices regarding listing requirements, prospectus disclosure requirements, on-going obligations of listed companies, takeover bid rules and disclosure of large shareholdings. Representatives of each national authority meet in working groups on a regular basis in order to coordinate their actions in areas of common interest and agree upon measures to promote harmonisation of their respective National Regulation.

For additional information, we invite you to read the Regulation section of the Annual Registration Document.


Regulated Markets (Securities and Derivatives) operated by Euronext

Euronext Amsterdam
Euronext Brussels
Euronext Dublin
Euronext Lisbon
Euronext Paris
Oslo Børs
Euronext Expand (Oslo Axess)
Borsa Italiana markets

MTFs operated by Euronext

Euronext Growth
Euronext Growth Milan
Euronext Growth (Merkur Market)
Euronext Access
Euronext Access Milan
Euronext GEM Equity
Euronext Expert Market
Trading Facility
Euronext Global Exchange Market

Nordic ABM

List of registered bonds