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Issues: Registration, Control and Cancellation

The Registration, Control and Cancellation of Securities is a service provided to the Issuers.

How to register Securities

This is the process for requesting registration of securities:

(This does not dispense with consulting INTERBOLSA Regulation no. 2/2016 - General operating rules for centralized securities systems and settlement systems managed by INTERBOLSA).

Documents required 

  • Full identification of the Issuer, including the LEI code (Legal Entity Identifier);
  • Updated copy of the by-laws or the organic law of the Issuer;
  • Commercial registration certificate

Depending on the type of securities you will need to provide:

  • Certified copy of the minutes containing the decision to approve the issuance, if applicable;
  • Informative Note
  • Prospectus
  • Term sheet
  • Management Regulation
  • Information on the amount of securities issued, respective nominal value, form of representation (certificate/book-entry), potential special rights and obligations or privileges of the respective security category;
  • In the case of securities represented in certificate form, copy of each title specimen and distribution of the specimens by numbering

Identification of the securities to be credited in the Financial Intermediaries' accounts opened in Euronext Securities Porto

Euronext Securities Porto analyzes the documents sent in order to assign the following codes:

  • CVM  (local code, of the CSD)
  • ISIN, CFI, FISN codes, according to ANNA guidelines and ISO standards

Securities successfully credited in the Financial Intermediaries' account in Euronext Securities Porto 

Securities Control

For securities registered in the Centralised Systems, Euronext Securities Porto ensures that the amount recorded in the Issue Control Account always corresponds to the total sum of the amounts/units recorded in the securities accounts of Financial Intermediary Participants managed by Euronext Securities Porto.

Cancellation / Withdrawal of Securities

The issuer of securities registered with Euronext Securities Porto may request the cancellation of a securities issue, provided that the securities are not admitted to trading on a regulated market. For book-entry securities, cancellation can only be effected by transferring the securities to another registry system.
In such cases, the cancellation must be coordinated with the corresponding operation in the new registry system chosen by the issuer. Euronext Securities Porto may undertake certain procedures to regularise the necessary records in the future registry system.

The cancellation of the registration is done by debiting the securities from the financial intermediaries’ accounts. For securities in certificate form, the process involves the delivery of the respective certificates.

Support Documentation

  • PDF

INTERBOLSA Regulation 2/2016


INTERBOLSA Regulation 2/2016 English
  • PDF

Manual Operativo da INTERBOLSA


Manual Operativo da INTERBOLSA Portuguese