Virtual General Meeting

Easy access for shareholders to engage and exercise their shareholder rights online.

Virtual General Meeting (VGM) is a tool for companies that wish to foster active ownership and see a higher participation and interaction than in a physical meeting. The system is fully tried and tested.

Euronext Securities have supported more than 425 meetings (physical, virtual or hybrid) across our locations during the 2023 season.

Meet investors who are unable to attend physical meetings

As a limited liability company or investment fund, you can offer virtual general meetings to your investors, if your articles of association allows this format. This might benefit investors who are unable to attend the physical meetings.

Facts about VGM

  • Flexible set-up for issuers
  • Fully or partially virtual meeting
  • Static, dynamic or live video stream & audio
  • Ability to add and modify agenda points
  • Secure back-up of data and functionality

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions regarding the planning of the AGM or you would like to receive further information on our solution for the partly or fully virtual AGM.

  • PDF

Overview of our services around the VGM


English Overview of our services around the VGM /sites/default/files/2023-06/es-cph_vgm-system_one-pager_210623.pdf
  • PDF

VGM Factsheet


English VGM Factsheet /sites/default/files/2023-06/es-cph_vgm_product-sheet_2023_facts.pdf


Investor Services

Opening hours: 9:00 - 16:00 CET

+45 4358 8866