Assignment of ISINs

VP Securities is the National Numbering Agency (NNA) for DK ISIN codes.

All securities have an identification number – an ISIN (International Securities Identification Number). In Denmark, ISIN codes are assigned by VP, since we are the National Numbering Agency (NNA). If you are already a customer, you can request ISIN codes in our system. You are always free to choose to register the securities in our Central Securities Depository (CSD) or to use the code in another ecosystem.

ISIN application for instruments not to be registered in VP Securities

If you need an ISIN – either for your own issuances or for another issuer – and you are not at customer in VP Securities, you can still request an ISIN for other purposes than registering them in VP Securities (e.g. physical securities or registration in another CSD). Please apply the below described procedure. 

Please fill out the ISIN application form below and send it along with additional documents stated in the form to:

We encourage you to deliver all necessary documents at least five business days before you would need the ISIN code.

  • PDF

ISIN application form


English ISIN application form /sites/default/files/2022-10/ISIN%20application%20form.pdf


Geir Anders Malmén - Head of CSD Services Copenhagen

Geir Anders Malmén

Head of CSD Services

+45 4022 9373