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Organizational Structure

Board of Directors

Euronext Securities Porto  is governed by the provisions of its by-laws, by Legal Framework for CSDs approved by Law No. 35/2018 of July 20, by Regulation (EU) No. 909/2014 of July 23 (CSDR), by the dispositions of the Securities Code and by the Corporate Code.

Olga Jordao - CEO Euronext Securities Porto

Olga Jordão

Chair and CEO

Isabel Ucha - Non-Executive Board Member Euronext Securities Porto

Isabel Ucha

Non-Executive Board Member

Ricardo Campos_Independent Non Executive Director_ES-PRT

Ricardo Campos

Independent Non-Executive Director

Fernando de Figueiredo Ribeiro

Independent Non-Executive Director


General meeting

Luís Pinto Bandeira - President
Helena Teixeira Lopes - Secretary


Sole Auditor

KPMG & Associados – SROC, SA

Represented by Manuel Alexandre Veríssimo da Luz


Manuel Pinto Douradinha Afonso

Secretary of the Company

Helena Teixeira Lopes