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ISIN code

The ISIN is a unique code which identifies each series of securities / financial instruments.

The format of the ISIN Code is defined in the ISO Standard 6166 as being made of 12 alphanumeric characters.

Example ISIN code

P T E E E Y T T X X X 1


  • A prefix of two characters using the alpha-2 country code specified in ISO Standard 3166 or a prefix “XS” (or other prefixes) as specified in Annex A of ISO Standard 6166 (refer to Registration Authority website for more information on ISO standards);
  • A basic code which is composed of 9 alphanumeric characters: the first six positions are taken from the Central Securities Depository code (CSD Code), followed by 3 alphanumeric characters which identify each issue or series;
  • For securities not registered in the centralised securities system, a code with the same structure will be assigned and based on the same principles underlying the assignment of codes to securities registered in the centralised system.
  • For financial instruments, a basic code with rules defined by INTERBOLSA is used for each type of instrument.
  • A Check digit which is computed using the modulus 10 “Double-Add-Double” formula and which allows to check the validity of the ISIN code.


CFI code

The CFI code addresses a number of problems related to the growth of cross-border trading and the requirements to improve communication among market participants.

This code does not replace the ISIN code. It works alongside it, identifying the type and the form of the security facilitating the worldwide identification of securities.

Example CFI Code


CFI code structure

Position Description
1 Financial instrument category
2 Group
3 1st attribute
4 2nd attribute
5 3rd attribute
6 4th attribute


  • The first character indicates the highest level of classification of the security / financial instrument and differentiates it from 14 (fourteen) generic categories.
  • The second character indicates specific groups within each category.
  • The four last characters indicate the attributes applicable to each group.

FISN code

The FISN code is a short, standardised description for financial instruments. It aims to harmonise existing market practices in use on a national and individual level.

The code incorporates the issuer short name and abbreviated characteristics for the security or financial instrument.

The FISN has a maximum length of 35 alphanumeric characters.

Example FISN code (for a warrant)


FISN code structure

his example code is formatted as follows:

  • Issuer Short Name;
  • Warrant type Put;
  • Securities Abbreviation;
  • Underlying;
  • Strike price;
  • Expiration date.

Obtain an ISIN code


