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AB InBev celebrates Be(er) Responsible Day


By opening trading in Amsterdam, Brussels and Paris, AB InBev celebrates its Global Beer Responsible Day for the fifth time. This day is dedicated to promoting the importance of responsible drinking among its employees, customers and consumers.

In the Netherlands AB InBev (ticker symbol: ABI) is known for its brands Jupiler, Hertog Jan, Leffe, Hoegaarden and Dommelsch. The activities of AB InBev related to promoting responsible consumption are this year focused on responsible serving. On Be(er) Responsible Day, teams will hit the streets in nine Dutch cities to train as many servers of alcoholic beverages as possible to serve responsibly. Similar activities will take place in other countries. AB InBev’s goal is to provide training to at least 10.000 servers in Europe and 1 million worldwide. AB InBev developed an online training for this purpose which provides people with information on relevant rules and regulations, give them practical pointers on properly checking someone’s age and teaching them how to deal with delicate situations such as a refusal to serve an alcoholic beverage.

On the occasion of this day, Harm van Esterik, Country Director AB InBev Netherlands, sounds the gong in Amsterdam. At the same time Eric Lauwers, President AB InBev Belgium, the Netherlands, France and Luxemburg and José Lafuente, Country Director AB InBev France, ring the bell at Euronext Brussels and Paris.

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