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Global Money Week


Child & Youth Finance International opens trading for Global Money Week

Global Money Week is an annual money awareness campaign built to inspire children and youth across the world to learn about money matters, livelihoods and entrepreneurship. GMW2017 reached over 7.8 million children and youth through more than 72,000 activities coordinated by 23,700 organizations in 137 countries. The Week is supported and endorsed by OECD, the African Union Commission, UNICEF, Mastercard, the European Union and many others.

The 7th edition of Global Money Week will take place from 12 to 18 March 2018, and will be articulated around the theme “Money Matters Matter!”. Numerous activities take place during GMW, amongst them the traditional visit to Stock Exchange for the “Ring around the World” event. 57 Stock Exchanges took part during GMW2017.

“Ring around the World” allows children and youth the opportunity to ring the opening bell or close the trading activities for the day. It allows them to gain knowledge of the financial world, learn about stock exchange workings, discover the history of money, and to enjoy a unique experience.

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