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Dress Red Day


Dutch Heart Foundation visits Beursplein 5 on Dress Red Day

In celebration of The Dutch Heart Foundation's Dress Red Day, the Amsterdam Stock Exchange colours red today. Every year on September 29, the Heart Foundation calls upon women to dress up in red to raise awareness for heart- and vascular diseases amongst females.

There is a need for further research to better understand specific female symptoms and improve the healthcare regarding this #1 disease amongst women. Every year 20.000 women die to the effects of heart- and vascular diseases. Unfortunately the symptoms are quite often recognized in a later stage of the disease. Most diagnosis- and treatment methods have been tested on man and are not completely compatible for women.

The Dress Red day is the final chapter of the annual Queen of Hearts-campaign. Their overall objective: ‘’We won’t accept the fact that heart-vascular disease is still the #1 cause of death amongst women.’’

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