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Introduction to Options


VEB visits Beursplein 5

The VEB (Vereniging van  Effecten Bezitters) organizes Option courses in partnership with Euronext. Nick Schakel, Manager Operations VEB, sounds the gong on this occasion.

On 8 and 15 November, the option courses ‘’Introduction to Options’’ take place. What are options, and what can you do with them as (equity) investors? This course is for anyone who has little to no knowledge of options and those who are familiar with the basics of this versatile instrument. After attending the two introductory courses and gaining practical experience, you have a good foundation for the course ‘’Options for advanced’’, which VEB will offer at a later stage, also in cooperation with Euronext.

Since 1924 the VEB represents the interest of private investors. The VEB is the source for independent investment information and now has approximately 45,000 members, including both private and institutional investors.

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