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Nationale-Nederlanden Gappie


Nationale-Nederlanden sounds gong for Gappie

Nationale-Nederlanden sounds the gong to introduce Gappie, the first app in the Netherlands where you can take out a temporary car insurance, if you’ve borrowed a car from family or friends. During the journey they car is insured and in the case of any damage, Gappie handles the costs and any other discomfort.

Sharing cars is getting more popular. The most common form of car sharing is informal, borrowing from friends or family. That happens in good faith, but if something happens it can cause awkward situations. In addition to the financial implications, the owner needs to get started with the repair and insurance, and he loses his claim free years. Taking out an insurance via the free app Gappie of Nationale-Nederlanden prevents this. Gappie is developed by Sparklab, the innovationlab of the Damage & Income Business unit of Nationale-Nederlanden.

Nationale-Nederlanden is a financial services provider with over 5 million residential and business customers in the Netherlands. Nationale-Nederlanden has been active on the Dutch market and offers insurance, pensions and banking products for 170 years. It is part of NN Group (ticker symbol: NN), an international insurance and asset management company, and is listed on Euronext Amsterdam.

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