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Rabobank Foundation marks World Down Syndrome Day


Rabobank Foundation, the Rabobank’s social fund, and ZOdIEZiJN foundation sound the gong and open trading in honour of World Down Syndrome Day.

World Down Syndrome Day, takes place on Saturday 21 March, and in honour of the occasion, Rabobank Foundation and ZOdIEZiJN are launching a new web shop: Both parties invest in making people self-reliant, and together they make it possible for people with a mental handicap to work in subsidised workshops at care institutions throughout the Netherlands, and therefore to be gainfully employed. The workshops produce original, sustainable products in cooperation with Dutch designers, which are developed under the label ‘Mooi door mij’. All of the people who are employed in the workshops are proud of their work, and of being able to contribute to society. The products will be available in the web shop from 19 March. Bono Kloek, who makes ‘Mooi door mij’ products, sounds the gong.

For more information: Rabobankbank Foundation

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