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The shortest path to the European markets
It’s been almost five years since companies and financial institutions were first able to issue Euro-based bonds through VP Securities. In this article, we look at three compelling reasons why the… #Euronext Securities Copenhagen -
ISO 27001:2013 certification
INTERBOLSA obtained on October 28, 2019 the certification on the full compliance with ISO 27001:2013 standard requirements, with respect to the Information Security Management System in the following… #Euronext Securities Porto -
Jyske Realkredit issues Covered Bonds in EUR with…
In January of this year, Jyske Realkredit issued its first Euro covered bond (CBD) with VP Securities. In this article, Anders Lund Hansen, Head of Mortgage ALM at Jyske Bank, talks about the… #Euronext Securities Copenhagen -
VP Securities helps issuers collect shareholder…
VP Securities is launching a new functionality that will collect shareholder disclosure information on behalf of issuers.With this service, issuers will be able to use VP as a collector,…
#Euronext Securities Copenhagen -
Be prepared for the virtual AGM
We are rapidly approaching the 2021 AGM season and, in the same way as in 2020, companies need to navigate the planning process, while taking the Covid-19 restrictions into consideration. Only… #Euronext Securities Copenhagen -
Increased customer satisfaction in 2020
In the fourth quarter of 2020, VP Securities sent out its annual customer satisfaction survey. The results show improvements in satisfaction across the board, and positive trends in several key areas… #Euronext Securities Copenhagen -
Investor activity on Euronext Growth during 2020
The Norwegian retail activity has bursted during 2020, and Euronext Growth has now 60 000 retail investors
Euronext Growth (previously Merkur Market) started out the…
#Euronext Securities Oslo -
Webinar – Investment Funds distribution in…
Promoted by Euronext Lisbon and INTERBOLSA, this session took place via Teams, on October 29, in which the main developments in demand and supply of funds in Portugal and trends in the evolution…
#Euronext Securities Porto -
What’s driving Danish private investors
Earlier this year, we discussed how understanding data and insights can help financial institutions capitalize on and address changing investor behaviour and market trends. In this article…
#Euronext Securities Copenhagen -
Private investors rush to Oslo Stock Exchange and…
The growth in number of investors has increased significantly the last year. On Oslo Stock Exchange alone we see an 18% increase in Norwegian private investors.
This year, Norwegian market…
#Euronext Securities Oslo -
Get to know your shareholders
Stay updated on all your shareholders and their behavior
Christian A. VikenWe provide updated shareholder register data on securities traded on Euronext VPS-registered…
#Euronext Securities Oslo -
INTERBOLSA implements Shareholders Rights…
Today, September 3, 2020, INTERBOLSA implemented in its systems the necessary changes in order to comply with the Shareholders Rights Directive II (Directive 2017/828, of May 17, 2017), namely the…
#Euronext Securities Oslo -
Sponsored partnership with Copenhagen
VP Securities recently entered into a sponsored partnership with Copenhagen Fintech, a Copenhagen-based FinTech Hub that connects technology start-ups in the financial sector with…
#Euronext Securities Copenhagen -
Meeting our customers’ needs for trustworthy data
“Big Data”. It’s a term many of us have become familiar with in recent years. It refers to the massive amounts of data that can be analysed in order to reveal patterns, trends and…
#Euronext Securities Copenhagen -
SRDII services from Euronext Securities Oslo
SRD II regulation in the Norwegian market is about to be decided upon. Euronext Securities Oslo is in the process of developing services ensuring that issuers and intermediaries will be able to…
#Euronext Securities Oslo -
Endringer i Regelverk og Standardvilkår
Euronext VPS og kontoførerne har felles behandlingsansvar for behandling av personopplysninger i registreringsvirksomheten.
Ansvarsfordelingen mellom Euronext VPS og kontoførerne er…
#Euronext Securities Oslo -
Central Securities Depositories Act enters into…
The new Central Securities Depositories Act which implements the CSDR enters into force 1 January 2020.
The new Central Securities Depositories Act which implements the…
#Euronext Securities Oslo -
VPN IPSEC Tunnel for access to INTERBOLSA’s…
INTERBOLSA has implemented a VPN IPSEC Tunnel solution which allows its participants to connect to the INTERBOLSA Wide Area Network (WAN) via Internet.
This solution aims to decrease…
#Euronext Securities Porto