Euronext Securities Porto is governed by the provisions of its by-laws, by Legal Framework for CSDs approved by Law No. 35/2018 of July 20, by Regulation (EU) No. 909/2014 of July 23 (CSDR), by the dispositions of the Securities Code and by the Corporate Code.
Organizational Structure
Organizational Structure
Board of Directors

Olga Jordão
Chair and CEO

Isabel Ucha
Non-Executive Board Member

Ricardo Campos
Independent Non-Executive Director
Fernando de Figueiredo Ribeiro
Independent Non-Executive Director
General meeting
Luís Pinto Bandeira - President
Helena Teixeira Lopes - Secretary
Sole Auditor
KPMG & Associados – SROC, SA
Represented by Manuel Alexandre Veríssimo da Luz
Manuel Pinto Douradinha Afonso