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All Bell ceremonies

  • Winner SNS Securities Investment Expert Poll sounds gong

     |  Amsterdam


    Winner SNS Securities Investment Expert Poll sounds gong

    Winner of the 2014 SNS Securities Investment Expert Poll, the prize for best investment professional, Renno van Vuuren,owner and senior investment advisor at Vuurenvaart Capital Consultants, sounds the gong at Beursplein 5. With his top pick for Ziggo (+16%) and worst stock Imtech (-91%) his picks were the best of all 101 experts.

    Every year asset manager ACTIAM and SNS Securities ask more than hundred investment professionals for their expectations for the best and the worst stock in the coming year. Besides that, the participants are asked for their vision on index level. The best investment professional receives the prize for best investment professional.

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    RIVM and Olijf Foundation sound gong for Cervical Cancer Prevention Week

    The National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) and Olijf Foundation (a network of women with gynecologic cancer) open trading to mark the European Cervical Cancer Prevention Week that takes place from 24 to 31 January 2015.

    The European Cervical Cancer Association (ECCA) has created the week to increase awareness for cervical cancer and its prevention. Worldwide, 250,000 women die each year from cervical cancer. This while the disease is often preventable through effective screening and vaccination. In the Netherlands a well-organized and free screening takes place. About 800,000 women are invited each year. Chairman of the foundation, Fenneke van Swigchum, sounds the gong.

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  • State Street Global Advisors celebrates rebranding

     |  Amsterdam


    State Street Global Advisors celebrates rebranding

    State Street Global Advisors (SSGA) sounds the gong to celebrate re-launching its brand to more broadly convey its identity, strategic intent, capabilities and positioning in markets around the world.

    The new brand launches on Monday, January 19, and will be led by a completely redesigned Materials reflecting the new look will begin to circulate and the transition will continue through February. The SPDR family will transition to this new brand platform during the second quarter of 2015. Head of the Benelux Team, Robert Rijlaarsdam, sounds the gong.

    SSGA: “The new brand reinforces the qualities, attributes and capabilities that make SSGA relevant. Our brand messaging revolves heavily around our client-focused discipline, our unwavering commitment to research and the highly collaborative approach we take to working with clients in every interaction we have with them.”

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  • The Young Amsterdam Citizens of the Year 2014 sound gong

     |  Amsterdam


    The Young Amsterdam Citizens of the Year 2014 sound gong

    The Young Amsterdam Citizens of the Year 2014 Award winners,twins Vera and Anna van Korven and their friend Salma Moudifd sound the gong.

    Vera, Anna and Salma are in the first year of high school, and this school year they started a project against cursing with the disease cancer. To stop this, they plan on giving presentations in the whole school. They even visited the oncology department of the hospital to get more information. But the girls do not stop there: because there was no restaurant at their new high school, they decided to start selling pizzas, with the profits donated to the cancer foundation. The girls also want to raise money by collecting empty bottles and organising a charity run. The Wikistad-foundation, in cooperation with the Discussion can be learned-Foundation, organised this junior election for the third time. The city of Amsterdam and newspaper Het Parool support the initiative. In the last couple of months, everyone in Amsterdam could nominate his or her little hero, in the age of 8 to 15 years. A jury chose the top 10 and the winner. The most important selection criterion was already determined by children themselves: the winner should be someone who works selflessly on behalf of the cause, and has to set an example for others.

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  • Gong marks Options on ETFs launch

     |  Amsterdam


    Gong marks Options on ETFs launch

    By sounding the gong, the launch of Euronext Options on ETFs in Amsterdam is marked. Participants in the launch iShares, the ETF unit of Blackrock, global quantitative trading firm Susquehanna that acts as liquidity provider and asset manager Theodoor Gilissen and Van Lieshout & Partners open trading to celebrate.

    Euronext announces the launch of options on six iShares ETFs on its highly successful and innovative Amsterdam derivatives market. The new option products will provide investors with enhanced investment opportunities in ETFs tracking a broad range of macro themes. The options on ETFs are developed and launched as a result of strong market demand. Richard de Jong, director asset management at Van Lieshout & Partners, sounds the gong.

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  • EY and ‘Startupbootcamp HighTechXL’ visit Euronext

     |  Amsterdam


    EY and ‘Startupbootcamp HighTechXL’ visit Euronext

    By sounding the gong EY draws attention to the ‘Startupbootcamp HighTechXL’.

    The teams of the accelerator program for high-tech startups are invited at Euronext to present themselves to potential investors and guests of program partners EY and ABN AMRO. The eleven participants Startupbootcamp HighTechXL were selected from 10,000 high-tech startups from around the world. In three months they are intensively mentored at High Tech Campus Eindhoven to get their businesses ready for the market. Guus Frericks, CEO Startupbootcamp HighTechXL, sounds the gong.

    Patrick Gabriëls, co-founder of Startupbootcamp HighTechXL and partner at EY: “Helping companies in the early stages to develop is very important to EY. Successful and innovative entrepreneurs sharing their creativity and vision are an inspiration to others. EY in the Netherlands wants to contribute in this way to strengthen the business environment as part of a better functioning world."

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  • Winners of the Dutch IR Awards visit Beursplein 5

     |  Amsterdam


    Winners of the Dutch IR Awards visit Beursplein 5

    The winners of the Dutch IR Awards pay a visit to Beursplein 5 to sound the gong.

    The winning companies and professionals are: AEX company; ASML, AEX professional; Martijn Schuttevaer, Boskalis, AMX company and professional; Joost Slooten, Arcadis, AScX/other company; Grontmij, AScX/other professional; Carl Hoyer, Wessanen. The IR life-time achievement award was awarded to Huub van Rozendaal, CFO Sligro. Winner Joost Slooten sounds the gong.

    The Dutch Association of Investor Relations (NEVIR) presents the awards to Dutch companies and professionals who excel in investor relations. Winners are announced in the presence of more than 200 professionals during the Dutch IR Awards Dinner at the Amsterdam ArenA at the eighth edition of the Dutch IR Awards. The NEVIR represents the interests of its members. The vast majority of professional investor relations officers in the Netherlands is affiliated with the NEVIR; more than 95% of the AEX companies; nearly 60% of the AMX companies and 25% of other companies listed on Euronext Amsterdam.

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    Financial journalists open the market in homage to the victims of the assassination and to support the freedom of the press

    Financial journalists open the market in homage to the victims of the assassination and to support the freedom of the press.
  • Arseus celebrates new name Fagron

     |  Amsterdam


    Arseus celebrates new name Fagron

    By sounding the gong Ger van Jeveren, CEO of Fagron, celebrates the name change of Arseus into Fagron. The new trading symbol of Fagron is: FAGR.

    Fagron is an innovative scientific pharmaceutical R&D company that is focused on optimizing and innovating pharmaceutical compounding worldwide. Fagron supplies pharmaceutical raw materials, equipment & supplies, concepts and pharmaceutical compounding to pharmacies and hospital pharmacies in 30 countries. Pharmaceutical compounding is an essential part of pharmaceutical care that enables pharmacists to fulfil the worldwide growing need for tailor-made medication. Fagron’s own R&D organization consists of 200 pharmacists who are working continually on developing new formulations for specific patients and patient groups.

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  • CFO Philips geeft met gongslag startschot Innovation Award 2015

     |  Amsterdam


    CFO Philips geeft met gongslag startschot Innovation Award 2015

    Met een slag op de gong vraagt de CFO van Philips (ticker symbool: PHIA), Ron Wirahadiraksa, aandacht voor de start van de 10e editie van de Philips Innovation Award.

    De Philips Innovation Award daagt studenten uit om een innovatief plan in te sturen. De jury, voorgezeten door Frans van Houten (CEO van Philips), let onder andere op de impact, duurzaamheid en haalbaarheid van het plan. Deelnemende studenten krijgen persoonlijke feedback, training en coaching van topondernemers en professionals, deze begeleiding wordt iedere ronde intensiever. De award wordt uitgereikt aan de student met het meest innovatieve en kansrijke plan tijdens de finale op 21 mei 2015. Het prijzenpakket bestaat uit een geldbedrag en een toolkit van producten en diensten om de jonge ondernemers een kickstart te geven.

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    No video provider was found to handle the given URL. See the documentation for more information. No video provider was found to handle the given URL. See the documentation for more information. Amsterdam
  • Saxo Bank celebrates ‘Best Broker’Award

     |  Amsterdam


    Saxo Bank celebrates ‘Best Broker’Award

    By sounding the gong Saxo Bank celebrates winning the ‘Gouden Stier Award’ in the category Best Broker. organised the award show for the 8th consecutive year. The awards are also known as "the Oscars of the financial world”. Prizes are for the best consumer focused products, services and experts in the financial world.Saxo Bank won award, specifically due to its competitive commission structure whilst maintaining a high level of client service. Job Barth, Associate Director, sounds the gong.

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    ING celebrates winning the title of ‘Best Investment Expert’

    ING sounds the gong to celebrate winning the Gouden Stier award for the ‘Best Investment Expert’.

    Bas Heijink, the winner of the Gouden Stier, is a technical analyst with the ING Investment Office. He also writes a column for private investors. His readers are so appreciative that they have chosen him to be this year’s best investment expert. ING is a true investment bank. Those who want to do their own trading, can use a special program developed by the bank, which provides insight into risk and expected yields. Those who prefer to have someone invest for them, choose the investment portfolios compiled by the ING Investment Office. Since December, all retail clients at ING can also choose an asset management program based entirely on index trackers. This strategy is actively managed by the ING’s investment experts, one of whom is Bas Heijink. It enables customers to experience the benefits of asset management, but to pay less for that experience.

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    Cofinimmo celebrates 20th anniversary on Euronext Brussels

    To celebrate the 20th anniversary of Cofinimmo, Jean-Edouard Carbonnelle, CEO of Cofinimmo rang the Opening Bell on Euronext Brussels on 7 January 2015 in the presence of the management of Cofinimmo.

    Founded in 1983, Cofinimmo is today the foremost listed Belgian real estate company specialising in rental property and an important player in the European market. The company owns a diversified property portfolio spread over Belgium, France and the Netherlands, worth over €3.1 billion, representing a total area of 1,750,000m². Its main investment segments are offices (42%), healthcare properties (39%), and distribution networks (17%)..

    Cofinimmo is part of the BEL 20 and is listed on Euronext Brussels with the trading symbol  : COFB.

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  • Winners of the 2014 M&A Awards sound gong

     |  Amsterdam


    Winners of the 2014 M&A Awards sound gong

    The winners of the 2014 M&A Awards sound the gong and open the trading day during a visit to Beursplein 5.

    The 15th M&A Awards are presented to the top performers in the areas of mergers and acquisitions, corporate finance and private equity. M&A professionals and private equity managers gathered to celebrate and look back on the year’s achievements. Winner of the ‘Best M&A Advisor 2014 Award’, Hugo Peek, Head of Large Corporates at ABN AMRO, sounds the gong.

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  • New CEO Delta Lloyd sounds gong

     |  Amsterdam


    New CEO Delta Lloyd sounds gong

    By sounding the gong the new Delta Lloyd CEO (ticker symbol: DL), Hans van der Noordaa, opens trading and introduces himself to Delta Lloyd’s Dutch shareholders and investors.

    Per 1 January 2015 Hans van der Noordaa is appointed as the new chairman of the Executive Board. Van der Noordaa will succeed Niek Hoek, who will resign as chairman on 1 January 2015. Hoek will retire on 30 June 2015 after having served on Delta Lloyd’s Executive Board for 18 years, including 14 years as chairman. Delta Lloyd N.V. is listed on Euronext Amsterdam (as of 3 November 2009) and on Euronext Brussels (as of 23 January 2012).

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  • Arseus becomes Fagron

     |  Brussels


    Arseus becomes Fagron

    On Monday 5 January 2015, Jan Peeters, CFO of Fagron, opened the European stock markets with a Bell Ceremony to celebrate the change of name of Arseus into Fagron.

    The new trading symbol of Fagron is  : FAGR. The ISIN Code of Fagron is : BE0003874915.

    Fagron is the global market leader in pharmaceutical compounding. Fagron focuses on the optimisation and innovation of pharmaceutical compounding with the aim of widening the therapeutic scope of the prescriber to enable tailor-made pharmaceutical care.

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  • Gong marks listing DoubleDividend funds

     |  Amsterdam


    Gong marks listing DoubleDividend funds

    DoubleDividend celebrates the listing of two investment funds on Euronext Fund Service. It concerns the DD Equity Fund and the DD Property Fund N.V. Thereby, DoubleDividend makes use of a better accessibility and visibility offered by the listing.

    DoubleDividend is a manager of investment funds, offers tailor made asset management services and specializes in the field of sustainable investments. DoubleDividend invests on the basis of the conviction that sustainability positively contributes to the risk- return profile of an investment portfolio. "The listing on Euronext is an important step forward for the investment funds of DoubleDividend. As dedicated investors we are chiefly concerned with the performance and quality of the portfolio. Our track record now being well established, we want to make the funds accessible for a broader public. As a result of the listing, the funds will become available on the trading platforms of banks and brokers and thereby accessible for everyone", says Marian Hogeslag, partner at DoubleDividend, who will open trading.

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  • Gong marks 5th anniversary MIJN Effecten

     |  Amsterdam


    Gong marks 5th anniversary MIJN Effecten

    By sounding the gong MIJN Effecten, one of the leading companies on asset management in the Netherlands, celebrates its 5th anniversary. Managing Director Marcel Rietveld opens trading.

    The firm's Assets Under Management have swelled to 150 million Euros, but it’s the sum of factors on which this all finance organization thrives. MIJN Effecten holds a position of prestige within the Dutch niche market of asset management and brokerage. It has been five years since Kuperus Effecten and DCM Brokers merged. Marcel Rietveld, Managing Director at DCM Brokers, was appointed Managing Director of MIJN Effecten, the company that resulted from this merge. Marcel Rietveld is proud of his company and his team: “their commitment and experience in the business (an average of 15 years of experience) contributes to the company’s leading position on the Dutch financial market. MIJN Effecten is a reliable business partner, for its clients as well as for its employees, due to personal approach in combination with a congenial atmosphere.”

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