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Clearing Services

Euronext Clearing operates as cardinal multi asset clearing house within the Euronext Group.
Euronext Clearing eliminates counterparty risk acting as buyer toward the seller and vice versa, becoming the guarantor of the final settlement of the contracts.

Our services are structured to cover a broad range of trading venues and asset classes:

  • equities,
  • Amsterdam open-ended funds,
  • cash-bonds,
  • Euronext ISINs on Euronext Block,
  • shares, warrants and convertible bonds listed on Euronext Milan,
  • ETFs and ETCs listed on ETFPlus,
  • stock, index futures and options listed on IDEM Equity,
  • closed-end funds,
  • investment companies and real estate investment companies listed on Euronext MIV Milan,
  • Italian Government bonds listed on MTS, EuroMTS, ICAP BrokerTec,
  • Italian Government bonds and corporate bonds listed on MOT, EuroTLX and Vorvel.

Euronext Clearing Central Counterparty activities:

Euronext Legacy:

  • Euronext Equity 
  • Euronext Commodity Derivatives
  • Euronext Equity Derivatives

Italian markets:

  • Equity
  • Equity Derivatives 
  • Bond 
  • ICSD Bond
  • Repo

Robust Risk management Scheme

In a fast changing and intense competitive and regulatory environment, Euronext Clearing is at the fore front in offering a robust and efficient risk management system and to protect its Clients with asset segregation and state of the art margining methodology.

In particular Euronext Clearing’s financial safeguarding system is based on the following 3 levels of protection:

1. Membership requirements

Clearing Members must meet minimum Supervisory Capital requirements in accordance with their role (ICM or GCM) and the segment they want to. Each Member must have an organisational structure and IT systems that guarantee the ordered, continuous, and efficient management of the activities and relations foreseen by Euronext Clearing Rules.

2. Margin system

Members must deposit sufficient guarantees to cover the theoretical costs of liquidation, which Euronext Clearing would incur in the event of a Member’s Default, in order to close the open positions in the worst reasonably possible market scenario. All Clearing Members are therefore required to pay margins on all open positions.

Margins are calculated using the new VaR-based margin methodology for Equity and Equity Derivatives sections, FIRE methodology (Fixed Income Risk Engine) for Italian, Spanish, Irish and Portuguese Govies on the Bond section and MVP methodology (Method for Portfolio Valuation) for Govies of different Countries and Corporate on the Bond section.

Euronext Clearing has also introduced additional protection, which functions alongside the margins system, consisting of the Default Fund to cover that portion of the risk, generated by extreme variations in market conditions, that is not guaranteed by the margin system.

3. Default procedure

The procedure envisages the allocation of the losses and costs sustained by Euronext Clearing following the default of a Clearing Member according to the below hierarchy (i.e. "default waterfall") set out in Euronext Clearing’s Rulebook Article B.6.2.3):

Default procedure - Euronext Clearing



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