Durum Wheat Futures

Manage price risk and benefit from a simple settlement process

Euronext launched the first cash-settled contract on Durum Wheat in Europe. This contract completes the existing suite of Euronext’s physically-delivered products and allows market participants to benefit from an efficient hedging tool to manage risk in the Durum Wheat market.

  • Trade using a true price reference for the Durum Wheat industry
  • Avoid risk of inadvertent physical delivery of goods thanks to the cash-settlement
  • Trade flat prices on the Euronext Central Order Book (COB)
  • Clearing by Euronext Clearing: mitigating risk and ensuring transparency
  • Benefit from the cutting-edge trading platform Optiq®
Clear reference prices

The Durum Wheat cash-settled contract is based on the Sitagri European Durum Wheat Index (SEDWI) which represents 6 reference prices from France and Italy:

  • France: DAP Port-La-Nouvelle, DAP Rouen and DAP La Pallice
  • Italy: DAP Bologna, DAP Altamura and EXW Foggia

The SEDWI index is supplied by Sitagri Index Services, a (BMR) Benchmark Regulation-compliant Price Reporting Agency (PRA).

Market information 

More about the Durum Wheat contract

More about cash-settled


Optimisation and management of durum wheat trading 

Organised alongside Sitagri Index Services, Crédit Agricole Italia and CACEIS.

Webinar held in Italian (June 2022)

Seminar Durum Wheat in Bologna (June 2022)

Cash-settled or physically delivered commodity derivatives?

Want to understand the difference between a contract with cash-settlement and a contract with physical delivery in the commodities world?

In this video, find out about how they both work how you can manage the price risk using them.