The AEX Experience is currently closed for maintenance.
If you would like to be kept informed of the reopening, please register via
We apologize for any inconvenience.
The AEX Experience is a 75 to 90 minute educational group tour of the exchange building at Beursplein 5.
A. Shawn - St. Albert, Canada
Great Tour for Stock Market Enthusiasts, especially those who appreciate history.
If you would like to be kept informed of the reopening, please register via
We apologize for any inconvenience.
Learn more about:
The role and function of the exchange in modern society
The history of the oldest stock exchange in the world
The products, listed companies and the indices
And of course, take a look at the former trading floor!
Visit ‘The Experience’ in the financial heart of the Netherlands at Beursplein 5. Get to know more about this fascinating world.
The Amsterdam Exchange Experience takes you on an exciting journey through history. From the seafaring Dutch East India Company and the very first share to today’s modern electronic trading floor where every second counts.
Find out what an exchange is, why it’s so important for our economy, and what’s involved in an IPO.
Discover your own investor profile and test your talent as a trader during a realistic trading simulation.
Marvel at the exchange floor in this grand historic exchange building.
Experience the Amsterdam Exchange with the AEX Experience!
The educational tour lasts about 75 to 90 minutes and costs:
€130 per educational school groups of up to 25 people (for schools + max 2 teachers)
€150 for all other groups of up to 25 people
Groups larger than 25 people will be divided into smaller groups. Each group pays the full fee.
We can start up to 3 group tours at the same time. Any subsequent groups will have different starting times. Please contact us to discuss your options.
There is no minimum number of persons required for a group. However, note that if you visit us with fewer than 25 people, the standard price will be maintained.
Especially for schools, we have added a small quiz to the explanation of the AEX index and the companies that make up the index. Visitors answer the quiz questions using the equipment and information available.
The tour can be adapted on request. We can offer alternatives to meet your group's level of knowledge and areas of interest, or to avoid repetition from any previous visits.
Reservations can be made for trading days (except national holidays) between 09.30 and 16.30, based on availability.
The tour can be adapted on request. We offer alternatives to meet your groups level of knowledge, areas of interest or avoid repetition from possible previous visits.
Reservations can be made for trading days (except National holidays) between 9.30 and 16.30, based on availability.
The Amsterdam Exchange Experience is sponsored by Stichting Capital Amsterdam
The following conditions apply to all visitors to the Amsterdam Exchange Experience.
Information about access for wheelchairs, mobility scooter and blind/visually impaired.
The following conditions apply to all visitors to the Amsterdam Exchange Experience.
Information about access for wheelchairs, mobility scooter and blind/visually impaired.
The following conditions apply to all visitors to the Amsterdam Exchange Experience.
Information about access for wheelchairs, mobility scooter and blind/visually impaired.
Bereikbaar van 09.00 uur – 17.00 uur, Available at working days from 09.00 – 17.00hrs