
Any entity with a legal interest in filing a complaint may file a formal complaint about matters associated with the activities of Euronext Securities. Euronext Securities have established transparent rules and procedures for the handling of complaints.

Customer complaints

Customers of Euronext Securities such as a bank, issuer, asset manager, or financial institution, please direct complaints to your Central Securities Depository (CSD) using the form below.

Non-customer complaints

Private persons or companies that are not direct customers of Euronext Securities are requested to appeal through their bank or the company that they have a commitment with and who have a direct customer relationship with Euronext Securities.

File a complaint

Please file your complaint below, make sure you address it to the correct CSD. 

All complaints must;

  • be in writing using the form below
  • comply with local regulations
  • set out, as far as possible, details of the conduct, behaviour or other actions complained of, date and place when these occurred, the names of the person involved, the outcome required, and any other relevant details
  • be filed in a timely manner, no later than three months after the conduct, behaviour or other actions complained of
  • contain the full name and address of the Complainant and, wherever possible the details of a contact telephone number and email address.

In submitting a complaint in accordance with these procedures the Complainant may submit further documentation and material which may be relevant.  We may ask you to provide more information to support your complaint.

Upon receipt of a written complaint pursuant to these procedures, Euronext Securities will acknowledge the receipt of the complaint. After receipt of a complaint Euronext Securities will conduct an internal investigation. At the end of this investigation, Euronext Securities will provide an answer to the Complainant.

Complaint form

Please fill in the form below to file your complaint. 

Depending on local specificities a CSD may ask you to provide further details.

My complaint concerns the following CSD:

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