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VPS Clearing and Settlement

VPS Clearing and Settlement is a service for investment firms and settlement agents that participate in the Norwegian central securities settlement

The service facilitates registration of transactions to be settled in the central securities settlement system. It is easy to make registrations and queries, and the user-friendly interface requires only a minimum of training for new user. The service is also a valuable tool for liquidity banks and asset managers.

Key features

  • Registration of transactions
  • Transfers between VPS-accounts
  • Cancellation of transactions and conditions
  • Establish and re-deliver bilateral securities loans
  • Administration of market claims (FLUB)
  • Registering base- and additional liquidity

Query functions

  • Information on all transactions registered on a VPS account together with details and conditions for individual transactions.
  • List of pending transactions.
  • Information on current and future holdings, checking balances for sufficient cover, holdings at the last year-end and market claims (FLUB).
  • Details on all account holders, their individual accounts, rights and dividends from securities held on the account.
  • Information on current and historic mandates to view/operate accounts.


Anne Ekeren Bjone - Euronext Securities Oslo

Anne Ekeren Bjone

Head of Settlement, Euronext Securities Oslo