My ESG Profile: showcasing listed companies' ESG performance

My ESG Profile is the new tool showcasing listed companies’ sustainability efforts to the market and helping investors access relevant Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) data. 

ESG coverage for listed companies

Close to 1,800 ESG profiles from listed companies across seven market locations, containing over 60,000 ESG data points are now available on our public website Euronext Live

This initiative aims to improve transparency in financial markets, benefiting both issuers and investors.

close to 1900

Discover issuers' ESG profiles

Issuers' ESG profiles are accessible on Euronext Live, our website with real-time stock market data and information on listed companies. 

Visit our Equities directory to find the ESG profiles of our listed companies.

*Euronext provides a basic set of ESG performance indicators. Issuers have the option to upload additional information to their profiles through Euronext’s customer portal, including ESG achievements and goals, documents, ESG ratings and contact details. They can also choose not to display an ESG profile.

increased transparency


Standardised ESG data enhances transparency, consistency and comparability in financial markets, benefiting both issuers by highlighting their sustainability efforts, and investors by facilitating ESG integration into investment decisions.

centralised esg information


My ESG Profile centralises non-financial data from issuers, making it available to all in a standardised form. 

better visibility


Listed companies can showcase their ESG efforts to the market, and use their profiles to gain greater investor visibility.

What to expect from My ESG Profile?

Each profile contains a standardised data section powered by Euronext and its data partner. The data is collected directly from companies' annual reports, based on a list of key ESG indicators sourced from European regulations. This information is publicly displayed in a standardised format on Euronext Live, facilitating the integration of ESG performance into investment decisions.

All Euronext-listed companies are covered by this service. 

Issuers can verify and interact with the data collected for their company and can upload additional information to their profiles (eg, documents) on a voluntary basis.

Standardised ESG data

Euronext has established a list of around 30 quantitative indicators, exclusively quantitative, primarily sourced from European regulation, such as the EU Taxonomy, the Sustainable Finance Regulation (SFDR) and the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD).

The list is not designed to be exhaustive, or to cover all data points that are disclosed by issuers. It may evolve as market practices and regulations mature.

Environment Source Note on methodology
Scope 1 GHG emissions (CO2 eq) SFDR (PAI N°1) / CSRD (ESRS E1-6) Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) in CO2 equivalent. Location-based, unless stated otherwise
Scope 2 GHG emissions (CO2 eq) SFDR (PAI N°1) / CSRD (ESRS E1-6) Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) in CO2 equivalent. Location-based, unless stated otherwise
Scope 1 + 2 GHG emissions (CO2 eq) SFDR (PAI N°1) / CSRD (ESRS E1-6) Calculated field
Scope 3 GHG emissions (CO2 eq) SFDR (PAI N°1) / CSRD (ESRS E1-6) Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) in CO2 equivalent. Location-based, unless stated otherwise
Total GHG emissions (CO2 eq) SFDR (PAI N°1) / CSRD (ESRS E1-6) Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) in CO2 equivalent. Location-based, unless stated otherwise
Carbon footprint (total GHG emissions / enterprise emissions) SFDR (PAI N°2) Calculated field
GHG intensity (total GHG emissions / revenue) SFDR (PAI N°3) / CSRD (ESRS E1-6)  Calculated field
Total energy consumption SFDR (PAI N°6) / CSRD (ESRS E1-5)  
Share of non-renewable energy consumption and production  SFDR (PAI N°5) / CSRD (ESRS E1-5)  
Energy intensity (energy consumption / revenue) SFDR (PAI N°6) / CSRD (ESRS E1-5) Calculated field
Hazardous waste SFDR (PAI N°9) / CSRD (ESRS E5-5)   
Total water discharges (emissions to water) SFDR (PAI N°8) / CSRD (ESRS E2-4)  
Total water consumption CSRD (ESRS E3-4)  
Water consumption ratio (water consumption / revenue) CSRD (ESRS E3-5) Calculated field
Ratio of non-recycled waste    
Social & Governance Source Note on methodology
Headcount at year-end CSRD (ESRS S1-6)  
Average annual headcount CSRD (ESRS S1-6)  
Share of women in total workforce CSRD (ESRS S1)  
Share of women in management bodies CSRD (ESRS S1) Executive and management committees
Gender pay gap SFDR (PAI N°12) / CSRD (ESRS S1-16) Data as reported by the issuer. Methodologies may vary
Professional equality index
For French issuers only. The index is a French government initiative that measures and promotes gender equality. A score of 100  indicates perfect gender equality in the workplace
Rate of employees with disabilities CSRD (ESRS S1-12)  
Rate of absenteeism CSRD (ESRS S2)  
Rate of resignation CSRD (ESRS S1-6)  
Average training hours per employee CSRD (ESRS S1-13)  
Board gender diversity rate (female board members / total board members) SFDR (PAI N°13) / CSRD (ESRS 2 G1-9)  Calculated field
Number of board members CSRD (ESRS G1)  
Number of female board members SFDR (PAI N°13) / CSRD (ESRS 2 G1-9)   
Board independence rate CSRD (ESRS G1-1)  
Financial indicators Source Note on methodology
Annual revenue
Enterprise Value at fiscal year-end
The sum, at fiscal year-end, of the market capitalisation of ordinary shares, the market capitalisation of preferred shares, and the book value of total debt and non-controlling interests, without the deduction of cash or cash equivalents
Taxonomy-eligible turnover EU Taxonomy (2021/2178 of 06/07/2021)
Taxonomy-aligned turnover EU Taxonomy (2021/2178 of 06/07/2021)
Taxonomy-eligible CapEx EU Taxonomy (2021/2178 of 06/07/2021)
Taxonomy-aligned Capex EU Taxonomy (2021/2178 of 06/07/2021)
Taxonomy-eligible OpEx EU Taxonomy (2021/2178 of 06/07/2021)
Taxonomy-aligned OpEx EU Taxonomy (2021/2178 of 06/07/2021)
SBTi Source Note on methodology
SBTi Action Data is sourced from the Science Based Target initiative's open source data on commitments and targets Distinguishes between data related to commitments (organisational pledges to develop and submit science-based target to the SBTi for validation within 24 months) and targets (science-based targets validated by the SBTi).

Euronext publishes 1,900 ESG company profiles

Euronext launches My ESG Profile, the new tool showcasing listed companies’ sustainability efforts and facilitating investors’ access to ESG data.

Euronext has become the first stock exchange to make the ESG data of its issuers available in a standardised format on its website. Since Monday 13 November, nearly 1,900 company ESG profiles are displayed....
