Mutual Funds Services

our markets

Mutual Funds Services

  • Classification of Mutual Funds

In line with the standard for information and classification from the Norwegian Mutual Fund Association.

  • Mutual Funds Reporting

Oslo Børs collects and distributes price information and historic calculations on fund returns and risk measures. This is done on a daily and monthly basis.

The mutual fund data is given out to Norwegian media and other local and international vendors of financial information.

  • Mutual Fund Feed

The Oslo Børs Mutual Fund Feed (OMFF) is an XML-feed containing fund data for more than 2,200 Norwegian and foreign funds approved for sale in Norway.

The fund information is reported to Oslo Børs from fund managers and distributors, and Oslo Børs calculates return and risk figures.

Classification of Mutual Funds

All Mutual Funds reporting NAV prices to Euronext Oslo Børs may classify their funds according to the standard for information and classification from the Norwegian Mutual Fund Association.


Classified funds will be listed together with relevant comparable funds in newspapers and on web sites. This is where the OB Mutual Fund Feed is the source of information.

Funds are classified in one of the following categories:

  • Equity funds
  • Balanced funds
  • Bond funds, Liquidity fund or
  • Other funds depending on the investment mandate of each fund.

Within each category the funds are divided into different groups.

Read more about the classification standard on (Norwegian only).

For more information on classification standard, or to classify your funds according to this standard, please contact the Norwegian Mutual Fund Association by e-mail or by telephone +47 23 28 45 50.

Mutual Funds Reporting

The fund managers or their distributors report daily NAV prices and dividends through an automatic email solution.


The fund information is distributed through the Euronext Oslo Børs Mutual Fund Feed (OMFF) with added value; such as return and risk calculations. The Norwegian Mutual Funds Association approves the methods of calculation.

This is how you register mutual funds on Euronext Oslo Børs:

  1. Sign the Mutual Fund Reporting Agreement
  2. Register your mutual funds
  3. Report daily NAV prices

Mutual Funds Reporting Downloads

Mutual Fund Feed

The Oslo Børs Mutual Fund Feed (OMFF) is an XML-feed containing fund data for more than 2,200 Norwegian and foreign funds approved for sale in Norway. 

OMFF is divided into six modules whereas the first four are incremental dependent. Modules five and six are independent.



  • daily net asset value (NAV)

  • yield, duration

  • total expense ratio

  • transaction and management fees

  • classification

  • name of benchmark index etc.


  • the information from module 1 + return calculations for last week

  • last month and yearly up to 20 years.


  • the information from module 2 + last ex-date and

  • last dividend per share.


  • the information from module 3 + risk calculations

such as:

  • Sharpe Ratio

  • volatility

  • differential return and

  • relatively volatility for various periods.


  • adjusted 5-days NAV time series with

  • dividend reinvested from the start of fund to date.

Contains monthly return series from the start of fund to date.

Distribution and Availability

OMFF is file based (xml) and delivered by FTP (get) or e-mail.

Subscribers to OMFF can choose between receiving the files three times a day (at approximately 10:15 CET, 18:15 CET and 20:15 CET) or continuously every time Oslo Børs receive a price update.

The exception is the Historic Return Series Module which is produced and distributed on a monthly basis.

Mutual Funds Feed Documentation


For more information, please contact the Data Solutions team at