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T2S Gateway

Accessing T2S through Euronext Securities Milan allows customers to maximize operational efficiency by connecting the main European markets with a single account, a single client service and a single technological infrastructure.

Clients can also benefit settlement in central bank money in a context that guarantees risk minimization.

We are extending our international presence and working towards a single collateral management system covering the entire Eurosystem.

Euronext Securities Milan is driving ahead in implementing the new industry standards to enable pan-European interoperability in corporate actions and facilitating interaction of its participants with the ECMS platform by ensuring access to a wider range of Eurozone financial markets.

Our constant results and experienced staff allow us to expand our service offering, while ensuring competitive pricing.

Competitive Pricing

For markets covered by tax services within T2S Gateway, the following table shows schematically the various available procedures, details can be found in the tax guide of each country.

T2S Gateway available procedures per country

Download brochure

  • PDF

T2S Gateway

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2021-04/4176_T2SGateway_factsheet_0.pdf T2S Gateway

T2S Markets

We currently guarantee access without intermediaries to the following T2S markets


Euronext Securities Milan is the CSD authorized for centralized management services in the Italian market and offers

  • Pre-settlement,
  • Settlement,
  • Custody,
  • Asset servicing
  • Fiscal services. 

All services are fully automated, from instructions delivery to processing and reporting.

All services are available through all supported connectivity channels:

  • RNI
  • Milan4U

Our X-TRM platform interacts with numerous other trading platforms and enables interoperability between central counterparties and settlement systems.

It's a pre-settlement platform with sophisticated features for the acquisition, acknowledgment, confirmation and forwarding of transactions from trading platforms or OTC trading to central counterparties and settlement systems.

Thanks to its data enrichment functions, X-TRM allows complete automation of the entire post-trade process from negotiation to contract execution. With its interposing and position netting capabilities, X-TRM offers central counterparties a set of complex tools for effective risk management.

X-TRM manages a wide range of post trading activities including settlement instruction management, enrichment through the automatic valorisation of settlement fields, interposition of the central counterparty, calculation of net balances, routing of settlement instructions management of corporate actions on failing transactions and operational reporting.


Our Clients can take advantage of T2S, the platform managed by the ECB, and all its functionalities, with harmonized settlement procedures in all participating countries.

T2S guarantees real-time DvP settlement in Central Bank money through the use of an "integrated model": both cash liquidity and securities are managed through a single IT platform, therefore the National Central Banks define specific cash accounts (DCA - Dedicated Cash Account) in which users can exchange liquidity with the T2 payment system (for EUR currency).

Clients can access T2S directly (DCP mode) or indirectly (ICP mode).

The settlement service offers all the functionalities of the T2S platform to both DCP and the ICP, in particular:

  •     Liquidity management and securities accounts
  •     Management of the life cycle of transactions, from validation to settlement
  •     Matching and related features, such as the Hold / Release mechanism
  •     Auto-collateralisation, both 'on stocks' and 'on flows'
  •     Information services

Market practice

  • PDF

Market practice second layer matching

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2021-04/4439_secondlayermatching.pdf Market practice second layer matching
  • PDF

Market practice per Portfolio Transfer

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2021-07/Portfolio%20Transfer%20-%20Italian%20Market%20Practice%20_EN%20_May%202015%20_Amendment%202021%20_CLEAN2.pdf Market practice per Portfolio Transfer
  • PDF

Market Practice per Additional Matching Field in T2S

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2021-03/Market%20Practice%20-%20Additional%20matching%20field%20in%20T2S.pdf Market Practice per Additional Matching Field in T2S
  • PDF

Allegato - Scenarios for Market Claims detection

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2021-03/Market%20Practice%20-%20Additional%20matching%20field%20in%20T2S%20-%20Allegato%20-%20ECB%20table%20-%20FAQ_CA_standards_Jan2014.pdf Allegato - Scenarios for Market Claims detection
  • PDF

Client Configurations T2S - July 2024

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2024-07/Configurazione%20dei%20clienti%20per%20il%20sistema%20di%20regolamento%20in%20T2S%20072024.pdf Client Configurations T2S - July 2024
  • PDF

Account structure T2S - July 2024

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2024-07/Struttura_conti_dei_partecipanti_a_T2S%20072024.pdf Account structure T2S - July 2024
  • PDF

Indirect Participants - July 2024

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2024-07/Partecipanti%20Indiretti072024.pdf Indirect Participants - July 2024
  • PDF

Optiq Firm ID CED mapping - July 2024

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2024-07/Mapping%20%20CED%20Firm%20ID%20072024.pdf Optiq Firm ID CED mapping - July 2024

In addition to settlement activities, we offer a wide range of services that guarantee intermediaries the complete, correct and efficient functioning of the administration of financial instruments, both Italian and foreign, centralized in Euronext Securities Milan, belonging to the following categories:

  • government bonds
  • corporate bonds (including asset backed securities)
  • shares
  • warrants / covered warrants
  • mutual funds (closed-end funds, real estate funds and ETFs)

Euronext Securities Milan offers a direct relationship with the issuing companies of financial instruments under Italian law.  We also support intermediaries with the main foreign custody systems for foreign instruments and can receive all corporate actions information directly from the official source (the issuer CSD) (the issuers or the related CSD) and forward it promptly, with the same level of detail, to clients.

We can manage any type of corporate actions in compliance with international standards:

  • dividend payments (equities), income (funds) and interests (bonds and ABS)
  • voluntary corporate actions (e.g. capital increases, warrant exercises)
  • mandatory corporate actions (e.g. mergers, demergers, free share assignments, free capital increases)

For transactions involving the management of payments of dividends, proceeds, interest and payable capital transactions, the issuer elects a paying agent to whom the related instructions for the payment of payments will be sent automatically; when payments are released by the Issuer CSD of another country, Euronext Securities Milan receives the funds and credit them to its clients with the same value date whether it is Euro or another currency.

The corporate actions management service offers our clients the following advantages:

  • receiving information on corporate actions, including those necessary for voting in meetings;
  • automatic collection of fees accrued on centralized financial instruments both in Euro and other currencies;
  • complete information on payments, both forecasting and settlement of proceeds;
  • participation to voluntary and mandatory corporate actions in Euro and other currencies
  • FIS & CPA service for reporting shareholder names
  • RCC service for the calculation and settlement of fees due by issuers to intermediaries for the forwarding of shareholder data


Our Custody service is the only authorized Italian central depository for financial instruments.

Any type of non-derivative financial instrument, Italian or foreign, can be admitted to the Euronext Securities Milan Custody system and settled by accounting entries without any physical movement of financial instruments, with high safety and efficiency standards.

Almost all of the centralized financial instruments are managed in a dematerialized form; the financial instruments still represented in paper form are grouped into large denomination certificates (global certificates or maxi certificates).

Italian and foreign operators, both intermediaries and issuers can access the Custody Service as well as clearing and settlement institutions (CCPs and CSDs).

Issuer reporting

The FIS & CPA services provide notification for registered shareholders, from intermediaries to issuers, related to: participation in the General Meeting (CPA), dividend payment and right issue (FIS), aimed at updating the shareholders register.

The services offered are as follows:

  • Notification sent by the intermediaries is automatically checked and matched, before being made available for the intended issuers, with creation of a log file detailing the result
  • Notifications that are formally correct are automatically processed and made available to the issuers
  • Notifications containing formal mistakes are registered in standby status and may be corrected or forwarded to the issuers, at intermediaries' discretion
  • On-line alerts are automatically created, for intermediaries and issuers, in order to keep track of the deadlines to be respected for sending the files (intermediaries) and for receiving them (issuers)
  • The services offered also allow the intermediaries to send partial notifications and to send notifications on behalf of downstream correspondents
  • Notifications sent via CPA & FIS services are automatically registered in RCC service, allowing intermediaries to receive the fees that are to be paid by the issuers

Client fees settlement service

Client fees settlement service (RCC) allows settlement of fees that are to be paid by issuers to intermediaries, in connection with the notifications of the shareholders details for each corporate action, in the securities account of the final investors.

The service is offered in both interactive mode (via MT-X platform) and non-interactive mode (only calculation and payment of the fees).

Interactive mode provides the full range of facilities, including:

  • Calculation of the fees to be settled
  • Access to detailed payment reports
  • On-line storage of all paid reports
  • Modification of the fees drivers and of the amounts to be paid (only for issuers)
  • A tool for issuing and receiving invoices related to fees (applicable only for fees coming from notifications referring to General Meetings)
  • The fees are automatically settled, at the expected deadlines, in the BI-COMP system (Banca d’Italia cash settlement system)

RCC Service - Documentation

  • PDF

Sistema tariffario per Corporate Actions

Italiano Version

Italiano /sites/default/files/2021-03/1%20-%20nuoovosistematariffariofebbraio2012%281%29_0.pdf Sistema tariffario per Corporate Actions
  • PDF

Protocollo per l'applicazione del sistema tariffario per corporate action

Italiano Version

Italiano /sites/default/files/2021-03/2%20-%20protocolloapplicazionesistematariffariofeb2012_0_0.pdf Protocollo per l'applicazione del sistema tariffario per corporate action
  • PDF

Linee guida per la rilevazione di anomalie contenute nei FIS

Italiano Version

Italiano /sites/default/files/2021-03/5%20-%20protocollorilevazioneanomalieneiflussi_0_0.pdf Linee guida per la rilevazione di anomalie contenute nei FIS

Euronext Securities Milan may act on behalf of non-resident Intermediaries who are qualified as second level banks in accordance with the procedure set out in Article 7 of Legislative Decree No. 239/1996 and D.M. 632/1996. To this end, intermediaries will have to send the official communication to the Revenue Agency (form 118 / IMP), with which the intermediary declares the 2nd level Bank status and indicates Euronext Securities Milan as the tax representative in Italy, for bonds portfolio.

  • XLSX

Buyer Protection Manual spreadsheet

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2021-03/BPI%20final.xlsx Buyer Protection Manual spreadsheet
  • PDF

Buyer Protection Manual

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2021-03/_Manual%20Buyer%20Protection.pdf_.pdf Buyer Protection Manual
  • PDF

Market practice second layer matching

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2021-04/4439_secondlayermatching.pdf Market practice second layer matching
  • PDF

Market practice per Portfolio Transfer

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2021-07/Portfolio%20Transfer%20-%20Italian%20Market%20Practice%20_EN%20_May%202015%20_Amendment%202021%20_CLEAN2.pdf Market practice per Portfolio Transfer
  • PDF

Market Practice per Additional Matching Field in T2S

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2021-03/Market%20Practice%20-%20Additional%20matching%20field%20in%20T2S.pdf Market Practice per Additional Matching Field in T2S
  • PDF

Modello Operativo del contratto di Classic repo – Settembre 2017

Italiano Version

Italiano /sites/default/files/2021-03/Classic%20repo_modello%20operativo_FINAL%20settembre%202017_0.pdf Modello Operativo del contratto di Classic repo – Settembre 2017


Euronext Securities Milan provides its services through a direct link with OeKB (the national CSD).

On this page you can find the relevant documents/data concerning this link’s operational specs.

Operational Documents

  • PDF

Austria - Tablemat (Quick Market Guide)

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2024-02/4364%20Tablemat%20Austria%20OeKB%20CSD_equities_fixed%20income_febbraio%202024.pdf Austria - Tablemat (Quick Market Guide)


Euronext Securities Milan provides its services through direct links with EUROCLEAR BELGIUM-ESES (the national CSD) and NATIONAL BANK OF BELGIUM (NBB).

On this page you can find the relevant documents/data concerning this link’s operational specs.

Operational Documents

  • PDF

Tablemat "Belgium via Euroclear Belgium (ESES)" (Quick Market Guide)

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2023-09/4365_Tablemat%20Belgium%20EBE_Update%20Euronext%20Clearing%20Migration.pdf Tablemat "Belgium via Euroclear Belgium (ESES)" (Quick Market Guide)
  • PDF

Tablemat "Belgium via National Bank of Belgium (NBB)" (Quick Market Guide)

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2022-05/4367_Tablemat%20Belgium%20NBB_aprile%202022.pdf Tablemat "Belgium via National Bank of Belgium (NBB)" (Quick Market Guide)
  • PDF

Belgium - Identification form

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2021-03/annex31_idf.pdf Belgium - Identification form
  • PDF

Belgium - Fiscal Operational Guide

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2022-04/4370%20-%20Belgium%20-%20Fiscal%20Operational%20Guide.pdf Belgium - Fiscal Operational Guide
  • PDF

BE - MT552 (Appendix 1)

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2022-04/4371%20-%20BE%20-%20MT552%20%28Appendix%201%29.pdf BE - MT552 (Appendix 1)
  • PDF

BE - credit advice (Appendix 2)

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2022-04/4372%20-%20BE%20-%20credit%20advice%20%28Appendix%202%29.pdf BE - credit advice (Appendix 2)
  • PDF

BE - form 276 div (Appendix 3)

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2024-02/167-276-int-nl-fr-de-en.pdf BE - form 276 div (Appendix 3)
  • PDF

Notes (Appendix 3a)

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2021-04/4374%20-%20Notes%20%28Appendix%203a%29.pdf Notes (Appendix 3a)
  • PDF

BE Annex 29 (Appendix 6)

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2021-04/4378%20-%20BE%20Annex%2029%20%28Appendix%206%29.pdf BE Annex 29 (Appendix 6)
  • PDF

BE - DTA Countries (Appendix A)

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2022-04/4380%20-%20BE%20-%20DTA%20Countries%20%28Appendix%20A%29.pdf BE - DTA Countries (Appendix A)
  • PDF

BE - Tax exempt Belgian Public Entities (Appendix B)

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2022-04/4381%20-%20BE%20-%20Tax%20exempt%20Belgian%20Public%20Entities%20%28Appendix%20B%29.pdf BE - Tax exempt Belgian Public Entities (Appendix B)


Euronext Securities Milan provides its services through a direct link with EUROCLEAR FRANCE-ESES (the national CSD).

On this page you can find the relevant documents/data concerning this link’s operational specs.

Operational Documents

  • PDF

France - Tablemat (Quick Market Guide)

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2024-02/4383_Tablemat%20France%20EF_Update%20Euronext%20Clearing%20Migration%20febbraio%202024.pdf France - Tablemat (Quick Market Guide)

Following the introduction by the French government of a new financial transactions tax Monte Titoli is working actively to set the necessary processes required to its participants: in this section all relevant documents and operative guides will be published.

  • PDF

Euroclear FTT Detailed Service Description (April 2020 version)

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2021-04/4384%20-%20Euroclear%20FTT%20Detailed%20Service%20Description%20%28April%202020%20version%29.pdf Euroclear FTT Detailed Service Description (April 2020 version)
  • PDF


English Version

English /sites/default/files/2021-04/4385%20-%20FTT.pdf FTT
  • PDF

FTT Cancellation Form

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2021-04/4386%20-%20FTT%20Cancellation%20Form_0.pdf FTT Cancellation Form
  • PDF

FTT Intended Settlement Date Communication

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2021-04/4387%20-%20FTT%20Intended%20Settlement%20Date%20Communication.pdf FTT Intended Settlement Date Communication
  • PDF

FTT Comunication to the French fiscal agency of the appointment of a Euroclear France member to pay the FTT (only for "long chains", French only)

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2021-04/4388%20-%20FTT%20Comunication%20%20to%20the%20French%20fiscal%20agency%20of%20the%20appointment%20of%20a%20Euroclear%20France%20member%20to%20pay%20the%20FTT%20%28only%20for%20long%20chains%2C%20French%20only%29.pdf FTT Comunication to the French fiscal agency of the appointment of a Euroclear France member to pay the FTT (only for "long chains", French only)
  • PDF

FTT Calendar 2023

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2023-01/FTT%20Calendar%202023.pdf FTT Calendar 2023
  • PDF

FTT Calendar 2024

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2023-12/2024%20French%20FTT%20calendar.pdf FTT Calendar 2024
  • PDF

France - Fiscal Operational Guide

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2022-04/4390%20-%20France%20-%20Fiscal%20Operational%20Guide.pdf France - Fiscal Operational Guide
  • PDF

FR - MT 552 (Appendix 1)

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2022-04/4391%20-%20FR%20-%20MT%20552%20%28Appendix%201%29.pdf FR - MT 552 (Appendix 1)
  • PDF

FR - Form 5000 EN (Appendix 2)

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2023-06/New%205000%20FR.pdf FR - Form 5000 EN (Appendix 2)
  • PDF

FR - Form 5001 EN (Appendix 2)

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2023-06/New%205001%20FR.pdf FR - Form 5001 EN (Appendix 2)
  • PDF

FR - DTA Countries (Appendix A)

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2022-04/4394%20-%20FR%20-%20DTA%20Countries%20%28Appendix%20A%29.pdf FR - DTA Countries (Appendix A)
  • PDF

FR - Additional notes to Forms 5000 and 5001 (Appendix B)

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2022-04/4395%20-%20FR%20-%20Additional%20notes%20to%20Forms%205000%20and%205001%20%28Appendix%20B%29.pdf FR - Additional notes to Forms 5000 and 5001 (Appendix B)


Euronext Securities Milan provides its services through a direct link with CBF (Clearstream Banking Frankfurt).

On this page you can find the relevant documents/data concerning this link’s operational specs.

Operational Documents

  • PDF

Germany - Tablemat (Quick Market Guide)

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2022-05/4396%20Tablemat%20Germany%20CBF_aprile%202022.pdf Germany - Tablemat (Quick Market Guide)
  • PDF

Germany_Fiscal Guide Word

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2023-03/4397%20-%20Germany%20-%20Fiscal%20Operational%20Guide%202022.pdf Germany_Fiscal Guide Word
  • XLSX

Beneficial Owners details

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2024-05/Beneficial%20Owners%20details.xlsx Beneficial Owners details
  • PDF

Format specifications

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2024-05/Format%20specifications.pdf Format specifications
  • XLSX

Euronext Securities Milan & CSD Tax Voucher request

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2024-05/ESMIL%20%26%20CSD%20tax%20voucher%20request.xlsx Euronext Securities Milan & CSD Tax Voucher request
  • PDF

DE - ES-MIL552 (Appendix 1)

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2022-08/DE%20-%20ES-MIL552%20%28Appendix%201%29.pdf DE - ES-MIL552 (Appendix 1)
  • PDF

DE - ES-MIL credit advice (Appendix 3)

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2022-04/4399%20-%20DE%20-%20ES-MIL%20credit%20advice%20%28Appendix%203%29.pdf DE - ES-MIL credit advice (Appendix 3)
  • PDF

New German Questionnaire (Appendix 4)

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2021-04/4400%20-%20New%20German%20Questionnaire%20%28Appendix%204%29.pdf New German Questionnaire (Appendix 4)
  • PDF

DE - DTAs Countries (Appendix A)

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2022-04/4401%20-%20DE%20-%20DTAs%20Countries%20%28Appendix%20A%29.pdf DE - DTAs Countries (Appendix A)


Euronext Securities Milan provides its services through a direct link with BANK OF GREECE (the national CSD).

On this page you can find the relevant documents/data concerning this link’s operational specs.

Operational Documents

  • PDF

Greece - Tablemat (Quick market Guide)

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2022-05/4402%20Tablemat%20Greece%20BOGS_aprile%202022.pdf Greece - Tablemat (Quick market Guide)


Euronext Securities Milan provides its services through a direct link with IBERCLEAR (the national CSD).

On this page you can find the relevant documents/data concerning this link’s operational specs.

Operational Documents

  • PDF

Spain - Tablemat (Quick Market Guide)

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2022-05/4403_Tablemat%20Spain%20IBERCLEAR_aprile%202022.pdf Spain - Tablemat (Quick Market Guide)

1) For events with Pay Date after 18/09/2017:

  • PDF

Spain - Fiscal operational guide (for PD >= 18/09/2017)

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2022-04/4404%20-%20Spain%20-%20Fiscal%20operational%20guide%20%28for%20PD%20%3D%2018092017%29.pdf Spain - Fiscal operational guide (for PD >= 18/09/2017)


  • PDF

ES - One-time certificate (Appendix I)

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2022-04/4405%20-%20ES%20-%20One-time%20certificate%20%28Appendix%20I%29.pdf ES - One-time certificate (Appendix I)
  • XLS

ES - Breakdown (Appendix II)

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2021-04/Breakdown%20for%20Fixed%20Income%20not%20RD%201145%20and%20Equities%20%28Appendix%20II%29%20%281%29.xls ES - Breakdown (Appendix II)
  • PDF

ES - Power of Attorney (Appendix III)

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2022-04/4406%20-%20ES%20-%20Power%20of%20Attorney%20%28Appendix%20III%29.pdf ES - Power of Attorney (Appendix III)
  • PDF

ES - DTA countries (Appendix IV)

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2022-04/4407%20-%20ES%20-%20DTA%20countries%20%28Appendix%20IV%29.pdf ES - DTA countries (Appendix IV)

2) For events with Pay Date until 15/09/2017:

  • PDF

Spain - Fiscal operational guide (for PD <= 15/09/2017)

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2022-04/4408%20-%20Spain%20-%20Fiscal%20operational%20guide%20%28for%20PD%20%3D%2015092017%29.pdf Spain - Fiscal operational guide (for PD <= 15/09/2017)


  • PDF

ES -ES-MIL-551 (Appendix 1)

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2022-04/4409%20-%20ES%20-%20ES_MIL551%20%28Appendix%201%29.pdf ES -ES-MIL-551 (Appendix 1)
  • PDF

ES - Power of Attorney (Appendix 3)

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2021-04/4410%20-%20ES%20-%20Power%20of%20Attorney%20%28Appendix%203%29.pdf ES - Power of Attorney (Appendix 3)
  • PDF

ES - MT552 (Appendix 4)

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2021-03/ES%20-%20Appendix%204%20-%20MT552.pdf ES - MT552 (Appendix 4)
  • PDF

ES - Peticion de Reduccion Austria (Appendix 6)

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2021-03/ES%20-%20Appendix%206%20-%20peticion_de_reducion_austria.pdf ES - Peticion de Reduccion Austria (Appendix 6)
  • PDF

ES - Peticion de Reduccion Belgium (Appendix 7)

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2021-03/ES%20-%20Appendix%207%20-%20peticion_de_reducion_belgium.pdf ES - Peticion de Reduccion Belgium (Appendix 7)
  • PDF

ES - Peticion de Reduccion France (Appendix 8)

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2021-03/ES%20-%20Appendix%208%20-%20peticion_de_reducion_france.pdf ES - Peticion de Reduccion France (Appendix 8)
  • PDF

ES - Peticion de Reduccion Germany (Appendix 9)

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2021-03/ES%20-%20Appendix%209%20-%20peticion_de_reducion_germany.pdf ES - Peticion de Reduccion Germany (Appendix 9)
  • PDF

ES - Peticion de Reduccion Netherlands (Appendix 10)

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2021-03/ES%20-%20Appendix%2010%20-%20peticion_de_reducion_netherlands.pdf ES - Peticion de Reduccion Netherlands (Appendix 10)
  • PDF

ES - Peticion de Reduccion Portugal (Appendix 11)

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2021-03/ES%20-%20Appendix%2011%20-%20peticion_de_reducion_portugal.pdf ES - Peticion de Reduccion Portugal (Appendix 11)
  • PDF

ES - Peticion de Reduccion Sweden (Appendix 12)

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2021-03/ES%20-%20Appendix%2012%20-%20peticion_de_reducion_sweden.pdf ES - Peticion de Reduccion Sweden (Appendix 12)
  • PDF

ES - Peticion de Reduccion Switzerland (Appendix 13)

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2021-03/ES%20-%20Appendix%2013%20-%20peticion_de_reducion_switzerland.pdf ES - Peticion de Reduccion Switzerland (Appendix 13)
  • PDF

ES - Peticion de Reduccion UK (Appendix 14)

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2021-03/ES%20-%20Appendix%2014%20-%20peticion_de_reducion_uk_and_north-ireland.pdf ES - Peticion de Reduccion UK (Appendix 14)
  • PDF

ES - Peticion de Reduccion General (Appendix 15)

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2021-03/ES%20-%20Appendix%2015%20-%20Peticion%20de%20devolucion%20-%20General.pdf ES - Peticion de Reduccion General (Appendix 15)
  • PDF

ES - Tax Haven list (Appendix A)

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2022-04/4422%20-%20ES%20-%20Tax%20Haven%20list%20%28Appendix%20A%29.pdf ES - Tax Haven list (Appendix A)
  • PDF

ES - DTA Countries (Appendix B)

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2022-04/4423%20-%20ES%20-%20DTA%20countries%20%28Appendix%20B%29.pdf ES - DTA Countries (Appendix B)
  • PDF

ES - Countries for Peticion de Devolucion (Appendix C)

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2022-04/4424%20-%20ES%20-%20Countries%20for%20Peticion%20de%20Devolucion%20%28Appendix%20C%29.pdf ES - Countries for Peticion de Devolucion (Appendix C)
  • PDF

ES - List of no tax services ISINs (Appendix D)

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2022-04/4425%20-%20ES%20-%20List%20of%20no%20tax%20services%20ISINs%20%28Appendix%20D%29.pdf ES - List of no tax services ISINs (Appendix D)


Euronext Securities Milan provides its services through a direct link with SIX-SIS (the national CSD).

On this page you can find the relevant documents/data concerning this link’s operational specs.

Operational Documents

  • PDF

Switzerland - Tablemat (Quick Market Guide)

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2023-09/4426_Tablemat%20Switzerland%20SIX%20SIS_Update%20Euronext%20Clearing%20Migration.pdf Switzerland - Tablemat (Quick Market Guide)
  • PDF

Switzerland - Fiscal Operational Guide

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2022-04/4427%20-%20Switzerland%20-%20Fiscal%20Operational%20Guide.pdf Switzerland - Fiscal Operational Guide
  • PDF

CH - ES-MIL552 (Appendix 1)

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2022-04/CH%20-%20ES-MIL552%20%28Appendix%201%29.pdf CH - ES-MIL552 (Appendix 1)

The Netherlands

Euronext Securities Milan provides its services through a direct link with EUROCLEAR  NEDERLANDS - ESES (the national CSD).

On this page you can find the relevant documents/data concerning this link’s operational specs.

Operational Documents

  • PDF

The Netherlands - Tablemat (Quick Market Guide)

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2023-09/4429%20Tablemat%20Netherlands%20ENL_Update%20Euronext%20Clearing%20Migration.pdf The Netherlands - Tablemat (Quick Market Guide)
  • PDF

The Netherlands - Fiscal Operational Guide

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2022-04/4430%20-%20The%20Netherlands%20-%20Fiscal%20Operational%20Guide%202022.pdf The Netherlands - Fiscal Operational Guide
  • PDF

NL - MT552 (Appendix 1)

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2022-04/4431%20-%20NL%20-%20ES_MIL552%20%28Appendix%201%29.pdf NL - MT552 (Appendix 1)
  • PDF

NL - IB92 universeel (Appendix 2)

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2021-04/4432%20-%20NL%20-%20IB92%20universeel%20%28Appendix%202%29.pdf NL - IB92 universeel (Appendix 2)
  • PDF

NL - dividend statement (Appendix 3)

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2022-04/4433%20-%20NL%20-%20dividend%20statement%20%28Appendix%203%29.pdf NL - dividend statement (Appendix 3)
  • PDF

NL - DTA Table - Equity (Appendix A)

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2022-04/4434%20-%20NL%20-%20DTA%20Table%20-%20Equity%20%28Appendix%20A%29_0.pdf NL - DTA Table - Equity (Appendix A)
  • PDF

NL - List of tax forms per each country (Appendix B)

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2022-04/4435%20-%20NL%20-%20List%20of%20tax%20forms%20per%20each%20country%20%28Appendix%20B%29.pdf NL - List of tax forms per each country (Appendix B)


Processing of AGM and register services

Euronext Securities Milan - Operations

Processing of Cash Distribution

Euronext Securities Milan - Operations

Processing of Corporate Actions

Euronext Securities Milan - Operations

Processing of fiscal activities

Euronext Securities Milan - Operations

Processing of Issuance

Euronext Securities Milan - Operations