
Shape the future.
Grow in your career. 
Join Euronext.

Driven by expertise. Empowering people.

We are an independent exchange at the heart of Europe’s financial markets,

close to local ecosystems and connecting market participants globally.

Shape the future

Our ambition is to continue to power local & global capital markets to drive sustainable growth for our clients. You can play a key role in helping us achieve this ambition.

Join Euronext

In a unique place to work

We are an agile, innovative and dynamic organisation with a strong people culture and ethos.
We take great pride in the heritage of our Exchanges while embracing the future.

Grow with an ambitious global player

Euronext has tripled in value since 2014 and has a strong track record of successful acquisitions and expansion. We now have employees spread across 11 European countries, the US and Asia.

Thrive in a high performing culture

where you can have an impact and challenge the status quo, both within and outside your team.

Be recognised and rewarded

for your performance and contribution, through new career opportunities, or attractive compensation packages and incentive schemes.

Join a vibrant internal culture

where we invest in employee well-being through our Wellnext program and develop CSR initiatives. We are proud to be an equal opportunity employer and promote a work environment open to diversity in all its forms.

Discover our open positions



  • Denmark
  • CSD Business operations
  • Employee

Client Services Manager – assist our clients with their transactions

Are you into securities, stocks, and bonds? How about spending some time with us until summer 2025 in a position where you assist the Danish banks in utilising our transactional infrastructure?

Join us at the heart of European financial markets and become part of an international environment where you will gain a network within all the major Danish banks and a deeper understanding of how we connect European economies to global capital markets.

A new Nordic team

Within our Nordic Business Operations division, you will be part of Nordic Client Services in Copenhagen. Since April 1st, 2024, we have operated as one unified Nordic team with 5 colleagues in Copenhagen and 5 in Oslo. Together we work to assist our Nordic banks and financial institutions on their use of our infrastructure.

We’re working to become and work as one team, allowing us to give the best service across countries. We recently had a teambuilding day and now we’re excited to keep building,” says Geir Anders Malmén, Head of Nordic Client Services.

Be the first line operational support to our clients

You will be the first line of support for non-assigned clients on operational aspects, acting as their operational entry point. This entails running core business processes on a day-to-day basis by proactively identifying issues, executing resolutions, and implementing process improvements. Your aim will be to manage the daily business operations and to contribute to our sustainable development of services and applications based on clients’ input.

Specifically, you will:

  • Effectively manage all clients queries within the agreed deadlines
  • Address all queries that require further support to the proper internal team and ensure that a valid answer is provided to the clients
  • Track all queries received from the clients and the answers provided to them through the selected CRM tool
  • Analyse on a weekly/monthly basis the query statistics to find possible trends and/or improvements that can optimize the client relationship

You take pride in providing a good service

In this role, you need to be comfortable with the days that take unexpected twists and turns as different queries come in. Moreover, you are a team player with strong communication skills who keep your colleagues up to date and are ready to meet the clients as they face operational issues.

Finally, we imagine that you:

  • Take pride in providing an excellent service to clients
  • May have knowledge of or an interest in securities, stocks and bonds
  • Perhaps have experience from a bank or a support function where you have dealt with clients
  • Are fluent in Danish and English and may understand Norwegian

An international environment with lots of opportunities to grow

Joining Euronext – a part of the Euronext Group – you gain app 140 colleagues locally and 2000+ colleagues across Europe. We have excellent working conditions, and we recently moved into our newly renovated offices in the centre of Copenhagen.

Stepping into this role, you can look forward to interacting with colleagues throughout the organisation. And should you in time wish to explore opportunities outside the Danish organisation, this is also possible.


If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact Head of Nordic Client Services Geir Anders Malmén at +45 4358 8953.

Send us your resume via the link below. We will invite candidates for interviews on an ongoing basis, so do not hesitate to apply.

We look forward to hearing from you!

About us

Euronext is the leading pan-European market infrastructure, connecting local economies to global capital markets to accelerate innovation and sustainable growth. Euronext is the largest centre for debt and funds listings in the world and operates in Belgium, Denmark, France, Ireland, The Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Italy and the UK.


  • Norway
  • CSD Business operations
  • Employee

Lyst til å jobbe i hjertet av finansbransjen med verdipapirer og skatt?

Euronext Securties Oslo (Verdipapirsentralen ASA) er en sentral institusjon når det gjelder finans og skatt i Norge. En av våre kolleger har fått ny stilling hos oss og vi søker derfor en erstatter i vårt Nordic Safekeeping Operations team. Vi søker deg som har stor interesse for verdipapirer og skatt, og som vil trives med ha det operasjonelle ansvaret for  våre løsninger innen skatt, samt bistå kunder i deres bruk av våre løsninger. Du vil jobbe i et team som er sterkt involvert i å sikre at ES-OSL og deres kunder overholder sine forpliktelser i forbindelse med skatterapportering. Vårt Nordic Safekeeping Operations team deltar også aktivt i forvaltning og utvikling av ES OSL tjenester, særlig innenfor verdipapirkonto og skatt.

Dine viktigste arbeidsoppgaver: 

  • Du vil ha det operasjonelle ansvaret for skatterapportering av VPS-registrerte verdipapirer, herunder årlig rapportering til Skatteetaten,  FATCA/CRS-rapportering på vegne av våre kunder, samt delta i gjennomføring av skatterapportering på produkter som f.eks. aksjesparekonto og utenlandske verdipapirer

  • Du vil delta i arbeidet med besvarelser av kundehenvendelser relatert til skatt og omkringliggende problemstillinger

  • Du vil være involvert i kundeoppfølging og delta i aktuelle faggrupper

  • Du vil bidra til at ES-OSL sine tjenester innenfor skatt er sikre, effektive og pålitelige

  • Du vil delta i en kultur der det jobbes proaktivt med å utvikle våre produkter og tjenester for skatt til nye skatteregler, reguleringer og tekniske fremskritt


  • Minimum tre års høyere utdanning 

  • Erfaring fra finans og verdipapirer er en fordel

  • Det er en fordel om du har kunnskap om skatt i forbindelse med verdipapirer og nærliggende emner. Gjerne arbeidserfaring med skatt, fra Skatteetaten eller innen bank eller verdipapirmarkedet 

  • Teknisk forståelse av hvordan finansielle IT-løsninger fungerer og benyttes

  • Erfaring med utarbeidelse av kravspesifikasjoner for IT-løsninger er en fordel 

  • Gjerne god kjennskap til behandling av data i systemer som Microsoft Excel, SQL e.l.

  • Gode kommunikasjonsegenskaper på både norsk og engelsk 

Personlige egenskaper: 

  • Vi forutsetter at du har interesse for skatt, finans og teknologi 

  • Etterrettelighet, høyt driv og sterk gjennomføringsevne er egenskaper vi ser etter 

  • Det er viktig at du evner å ta eierskap til egne oppgaver, og at du klarer å få folk med deg 

  • Et analytisk mindset og en systematisk tilnærming til komplekse problemstillinger, er vesentlig 

Hva kan vi tilby deg?

  • En spennende arbeidsplass i utvikling, med gode, engasjerte og dyktige kolleger 

  • En spennende jobb med høyt aktivitetsnivå og mulighet til å være en del av det norske verdipapirmarkedet fra "innsiden" 

  • Personlig og faglig utvikling gjennom utfordrende og varierte arbeidsoppgaver 

  • Tett kontakt med sentrale aktører i det norske verdipapirmarkedet 

  • Konkurransedyktige betingelser samt gode pensjons- og forsikringsordninger 

  • Et godt arbeidsmiljø i en inkluderende og kompetansedrevet arbeidsplass med mange spennende, faglige muligheter 

  • Gode karrieremuligheter for den rette innenfor Euronext-gruppen, nasjonalt og internasjonalt 

Har du spørsmål om stillingen? Ta gjerne kontakt med Head of Nordic Safekeeping Operations Sissel Bakker tlf +47 918 35853 eller HR Business Partner,

  • Sektor: Privat

  • Sted: Tollbugata 2, 0152 Oslo

  • Bransje: Bank, finans og forsikring, Økonomi og regnskap, Annet

  • Stillingsfunksjon: Analyse, Forretningsutvikling og strategi, Rådgivning


Skatt, verdipapir, finans, aksjer, finansielle it-løsninger


  • Norway
  • CSD Business operations
  • Employee

Beskrivelse av stillingen

Euronext Securties Oslo (Verdipapirsentralen ASA) er en sentral institusjon når det gjelder verdipapirer i Norge. Vi er en av fire verdipapirsentraler i Euronext  Securities og som et ledd i å strømlinjeforme våre produkter og tjenester er vi i en prosess med større endringer som er avhengig av våre dyktige kollegaer.  Det gjør at vi har behov for en ressurs som i en periode har mulighet til å bidra i vår daglige drift.  Vi søker deg som har lyst til å bistå våre kunder i bruk av våre løsninger for verdipapirkonto og omkringliggende løsninger i tillegg til å  forvaltning, drift og videreutvikling  av ES-OSL/ES-CPH sine løsninger innenfor området.

Du vil være tilknyttet vårt Nordic Safekeeping Operations team, som er ansvarlig for den daglige drift av ES-OSL/ES-CPH systemer innenfor verdipapirkonto og skatt.

Ansvar og hovedoppgaver 

  • Du vil delta aktivt i å sikre operasjonell stabilitet i våre løsninger i ES-OSL og ES-CPH
  • Du vil bistå  i det daglige arbeidet med  besvarelser av kundehenvendelser relatert til verdipapirkonto (safekeeping), skatt  og omkringliggende problemstillinger 
  • Du vil bidra til at våre tjenester innenfor Safekeeping er sikre, effektive og pålitelige
  • Bidra til at ES-OSL og ES-CPHs produkter utvikles i tråd med endringer og forventninger i markedet ved å gi innspill til forbedringer, endringer og eventuell ustabilitet i produkter og tjenester til produkteier.
  • Bistå utviklingsteam etter behov, først og fremst for å gjennomføre tester.
  • Bidra til automatisering og effektivisering av ES-CPH og ES-OSLs interne prosesser.
  • Gjennomføre kurs og opplæring etter behov.


  • Minimum tre års høyere utdanning 
  • Kunnskap om verdipapirer og nærliggende emner 
  • Gjerne  arbeidserfaring med ES-OSL sine systemer, (verdipapirkonto)  innen bank eller I verdipapirmarkedet 
  • Erfaring med deltakelse i forvaltning av systemer er en fordel
  • Gode kommunikasjonsegenskaper på både norsk og engelsk 

Personlige egenskaper: 

  • Vi forutsetter at du har interesse og forståelse for verdipapirer og finans
  • Evne og vilje til å raskt kunne tilegne  seg kunnskap 
  • Etterrettelighet, høy driv og sterk gjennomføringsevne er egenskaper vi ser etter 
  • Det er viktig at du evner å ta eierskap til egne oppgaver
  • Et analytisk mindset og en systematisk tilnærming til komplekse problemstillinger

Hva kan vi tilby deg?: 

  • En spennende arbeidsplass i utvikling, med gode, engasjerte og dyktige kolleger 
  • En spennende jobb med høyt aktivitetsnivå og mulighet til å være en del av det norske verdipapirmarkedet fra "innsiden" 
  • Personlig og faglig utvikling gjennom utfordrende og varierte arbeidsoppgaver 
  • Tett kontakt med sentrale aktører i det norske verdipapirmarkedet 
  • Konkurransedyktige betingelser samt gode pensjons- og forsikringsordninger 
  • Et godt arbeidsmiljø i en inkluderende og kompetansedrevet arbeidsplass med mange spennende, faglige muligheter 
  • Gode karrieremuligheter for den rette innenfor Euronext-gruppen, nasjonalt og internasjonalt 


  • Italy
  • Product management
  • Employee

Key accountabilities
• Manage existing groups of products as well as the development of new ones in line with the roadmap to achieve business priorities
• Oversee the development of a new product and/or service for a particular business area in close cooperation with internal project teams, finance, regulation, surveillance and other key stakeholders.
• Lead P&L-driven business case development, seeking the most profitable balance between client needs and internal cost control
• Develop business cases and the go-to-market strategies for products, compile and evaluate research on the market’s requirements, and identify enhancement to features and functionality.
• Interface with a broad range of stakeholders including engineers, designers, sales representatives, marketing teams, suppliers and customers
• Conduct competitor analysis for a particular product offering, functionality, pricing and market penetration to recommend improvements to enhance Euronext’s market position and to ensure we have accurate and up-to-date competitor intelligence and can properly manage any competitive risks
• Maintain and develop relationships with business development and client services, ensure we have an accurate and detailed understanding of our client needs and opportunities to increase market share
• Engage with internal IT and design working groups to develop in-depth technical design and application features.
• Assure the competitiveness of pricing structures, monitor the impact of pricing initiatives on clients, and ensure compliance with regulatory and legal requirements (Pricing team(s))

Your profile
• Experience in product management, business development or sales support role.
• Expert knowledge of Euronext’s market model, rule book, service offer, the buy-side and sell-side landscape.
• Knowledge of the full product development lifecycle.
• Strong commercial acumen and strategic awareness.
• Excellent written and oral presentation skills, an ability to combine attention to detail with the wider strategic view.
• Rigorous project management skills: ability to leverage internal and external relationships, autonomy and determination to drive forward projects, provide clear business input into functional requirements.
• Collaborative, open, pragmatic, customer oriented and numbers-driven approach to work.
• International business experience – developing products in multiple geographic locations


  • Norway
  • Client services operations
  • Employee

Student Worker Nordic Investor Services

Are you seeking a flexible student job that offers responsibility and a variety of tasks? Are you eager to learn more about the capital market and have the ability to work directly with leading financial institutions and issuers?

If so, you could be the next student employee at Euronext Securities!

Nordic Investor Services delivers high-quality general meeting services, and you will be joining a team to help us further strengthen our position, facilitate renewal and continued growth in this market. The team is also responsible for carrying out daily operations as well as developing and maintaining applications used by our customers.

Your role will be to support the team especially during the General Meeting (GM) season in March-April in both technical- and administrative task in connection with shareholder register and general meeting services.

As a member of the Nordic Investor Services team, you will be responsible for:

  • Maintaining good relationships with customers and meeting their expectations
  • Acting as a sparring partner for our clients and ensuring good communication and workflow
  • Help plan and carry out Assemblies and General Meetings for issuers (travel might be required)
  • Technical/administrative support of customers in our internal systems
  • Participating in projects and development activities within the area of expertise
  • Other ad hoc tasks

We are looking for someone who:

  • Is a strong team player with enhanced communications skills (verbally and in writing) in both Norwegian and English
  • Has an interest in technology, securities services, and European financial markets¨
  • Studying a master’s degree, on their, 4th or 5th year of higher education.
  • Is available for a part-time position with minimum 50 % flexible hours initially from mid-October 2024 to June 2025, with the possibility of extension for the right candidate.
  • Is available to work full-time during the GM peak season from March to April 2025, with a period of this stationed in the Copenhagen office.

As a person, you are:

  • Proactive and forward-thinking – You initiate and drive activities to achieve a desired result
  • Structured and work efficiently with administrative tasks
  • Responsible with a high degree of accountability and can work independently
  • Someone who enjoys working with people in a work environment characterized by trust and a high pace
  • Solution-oriented – You gather necessary information and solve tasks efficiently

We offer:

  • An inclusive and competence-driven workplace, with many exciting professional opportunities
  • A job in an international organization, where you get the chance to participate in a cross-country workplace with ability to travel
  • The opportunity to be part of the European financial market and develop your knowledge about it
  • A great cafeteria and company cabins in Norway and abroad

  • Netherlands
  • SaaS sales
  • Employee

Euronext Corporate Services

Het team van Euronext Corporate Services bestaat uit meer dan 180 professionals die een sterke lokale aanwezigheid in heel Europa combineren met een diepgaand begrip van wereldwijde kapitaalmarkten. Ze helpen organisaties, zowel beurgenoteerde als niet-beursgenoteerde, privé en publiek, om optimaal gebruik te maken van kapitaalmarkten en efficiënter te opereren.

Euronext Corporate Services bedient al meer dan 4.500+ klanten, waaronder meer dan 1000 beursgenoteerde bedrijven, private bedrijven, adviseurs en publieke organisaties. Onze klanten zijn gevestigd in alle Euronext-markten (België, Frankrijk, Italië, Ierland, Nederland, Noorwegen, Portugal), maar ook daarbuiten (bijv. VK, Scandinavië, Spanje, Duitsland).

Euronext Corporate Services biedt de volgende oplossingen:

  • Governance: Onze Board Portal oplossing "iBabs" helpt organisaties om vergaderingen veiliger, georganiseerder en efficiënter te laten verlopen (tijd besparen bij het voorbereiden van agenda's en documenten, gemakkelijk samenwerken met aantekeningen, stemmingen, samenvattingen).
  • Communicatie: Wij zijn marktleider in Webinars en Webcastdiensten voor financiële resultaten, interne communicatie, marketing en externe communicatie met onze oplossing Company Webcast. We helpen onze klanten om hun zichtbaarheid, betrokkenheid en internationale dekking te vergroten.
  • Compliance: Onze ComplurLog en Klokkeluiders producten bieden een oplossing voor het automatiseren van het beheer van insider-informatie en insiderlijsten. Ons oplossing heeft tot doel tijd te besparen en te zorgen voor naleving van de Europese Verordening Marktmisbruik (MAR).
  • Investor Relations: Ons adviesteam biedt hoogwaardig advies, marktintelligentie en besluitvormingsanalyse voor beursgenoteerde bedrijven die actiever willen zijn op de kapitaalmarkten. Onze IR.Manager-tool biedt een complete en intuïtieve IR-management- en targetingplatform voor bedrijfs-IR-teams om het werkproces en de betrokkenheid te professionaliseren.


Wij zijn op zoek naar een Account Executive, die bereid is tussen Capelle aan den IJssel en Amsterdam te reizen, met een sterk netwerk binnen de Investor Relations. Je adviseert onze klanten bij het behalen van hun communicatiedoelen door van onze diensten gebruik te maken. Company Webcast heeft haar activiteiten op drie taken gericht, namelijk Stakeholder Communicatie (Investor Relations), Interne Communicatie en Marketing Communicatie.

Jouw taken

  • Inkomstenbeheer

Verantwoordelijk voor het ontwikkelen en onderhouden van inkomsten (waarvan bij enige regelmaat) door bij bestaande en nieuwe klanten in te spelen op de waarde van elk SaaS-product.

  • Relatiebeheer

Het leggen van strategische en tactische contacten op managementniveau (waaronder hoofden van Investor Relations, Marketing & Communicatie, Verkoop & Inkoopafdelingen) via klantennetwerken en andere kanalen.

  • Product- & marktontwikkeling

Opbouwen van specifieke branchekennis voor de verschillende formats. Signaleren van marktontwikkelingen en deze vertalen naar (outbound) verkoopactiviteiten.

  • Succes klanten

Het motiveren van klanten op basis van klanteisen en -doelstellingen om webcasting strategisch in te zetten en zorgen voor optimale interne communicatie om zo het succes voor de klant te realiseren. Identificeren van ‘cross-selling’ mogelijkheden van partneroplossingen, andere Corporate Service producten en andere landen binnen Europa.

  • Administratie

Het opstellen, beheren en opvolgen van offertes en contracten. Je bent ook verantwoordelijk voor het afhandelen van de facturatie binnen jouw portefeuille. Je zorgt voor een goede interne en externe communicatie voor een optimale dienstverlening.

Geïntegreerde en uitgebreide waardepropositie

Interactie met interne stakeholders van Euronext, Euronext Corporate Services en Company Webcast. Je zorgt ervoor dat het webcast waardevoorstel volledig geïntegreerd is met de andere producten van Euronext Corporate Services. Deze verantwoordelijkheden beschrijven alleen de belangrijkste activiteiten en zijn niet volledig. Ze zijn afhankelijk van het expertiseniveau en de lopende projecten.

Jouw profiel

Je hebt kennis en ervaring op het gebied van verkoop en accountmanagement in een zakelijke omgeving. Uitstekende communicatieve vaardigheden en ervaring als contactpersoon op managementniveau zijn de belangrijkste eigenschappen waar we naar op zoek zijn. Ervaring in het beheren en aansturen van de business voor een specifieke regio/gebied.


  • Portugal
  • CSD Business operations
  • Employee

Key accountabilities
• Ensure the delivery of settlement, custody, asset and fiscal services and support the management and control of the physical securities registered in Centralized Securities System and their safeguarding according to best international practices
• Support the development and implementation of more automated and digitized services at the Central Securities Depository.
• Ensure that user acceptance testing of all the IT system updates and improvements regarding physical securities services takes place.
• Develop and the execute annual custody business plans and coordinate of activities with senior management in other areas of the organization.
• Provide information to Issuers and Financial Intermediaries and represent Euronext internally and externally.
• Contribute to operoperational enhancements to streamline workflow and provide better support to frontline business units
• Drives continuous improvement of process and assess and select improvement opportunities that provide long-term value and minimize operational risks

Your profile
• In-depth knowledge of CSD Business operations
• Strong knowledge of industry market standards and business workflows in the securities services space
• Proven team leadership, communication and project management skills - ability to monitor


  • France
  • Merger and Acquisitions
  • Employee

About Euronext

Euronext is the leading pan-European market infrastructure, connecting European economies to global capital markets, to accelerate innovation and sustainable growth. It operates regulated exchanges in Belgium, France, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway and Portugal. With nearly 1,900 listed issuers and around €6.5 trillion in market capitalisation as of end June 2024, it has an unmatched blue-chip franchise and a strong diverse domestic and international client base. Euronext operates regulated and transparent equity and derivatives markets, one of Europe’s leading electronic fixed income trading markets and is the largest centre for debt and funds listings in the world. Its total product offering includes Equities, FX, Exchange Traded Funds, Warrants & Certificates, Bonds, Derivatives, Commodities and Indices. The Group provides a multi-asset clearing house through Euronext Clearing, and custody and settlement services through Euronext Securities central securities depositories in Denmark, Italy, Norway and Portugal. Euronext also leverages its expertise in running markets by providing technology and managed services to third parties. In addition to its main regulated market, it also operates a number of junior markets, simplifying access to listing for SMEs. 

The mission of the M&A team at Euronext is to:

  • Drive the execution of external growth transactions in alignment with the company's strategic objectives across key sectors and business stages.

  • Support the company’s transformation and strategic initiatives.

Within this team, the M&A Director reports to the Head of M&A. The role is instrumental in executing M&A, partnerships, and other external growth initiatives, as well as supporting various investment and corporate finance projects. The M&A Director operates with significant autonomy, managing complex transactions that require proactive problem-solving and sound judgement. Regular interaction with senior leadership, including members of the Managing Board, is a key part of this role.

Main Responsibilities and Tasks:

  • Lead M&A, partnerships, and other external growth initiatives:

    • Develop business cases in collaboration with operational teams (e.g., Strategy, Operations, Finance).

    • Conduct financial modeling for transactions, including valuation and financial impact analyses.

    • Co-manage the due diligence process, coordinating all due diligence areas with internal and external resources.

    • Participate in negotiations and review transaction-related legal documentation.

    • Prepare presentation materials for transaction approvals by the Executive Team and Board of Directors.

  • Prepare first steps of Post Merger Integration and ensure handover to business teams

  • Screen potential external growth opportunities and coordinate reviews of opportunities from investment banks.

  • Bring M&A expertise to strategic transformation projects.

  • Support internal projects that require corporate finance expertise, such as impairment tests and intra-group restructuring.

Experience / Qualifications:

  • Graduate from a leading business or engineering school.

  • Minimum of 3 years of experience in M&A, preferably within a corporate environment, private equity, strategic consulting.

  • Familiarity with the financial services industry.

  • Fluent in English and French.


  • Portugal
  • IT Engineering
  • Employee

Euronext Corporate Services, is at the core of Euronext’s Growth for Impact 2024 strategy. It has delivered €41m of revenue in 2022 and a growth over +23% CAGR between 2017 and 2022, being one of the most important growth engine of the Group. The team is composed of over 170 professionals across Europe. They help listed companies make the most effective use of capital markets, and support private and public organisations run more efficiently.

Euronext Corporate Services already serves more than 4,500+ clients including over 1000 listed companies, private companies, advisors and public organisations. Clients are located across all Euronext markets (Belgium, France, Italy, Ireland, Netherlands, Norway Portugal,) but also beyond (e.g. UK, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Spain). 

This unique and comprehensive value proposition is articulated around four main pillars:

•    Governance: our board portal solution “iBabs” helps organisations to secure, organize and run board meetings more efficiently (save time preparing agendas and board packs, collaborate easily with annotations, voting, meeting summaries).
•    Communication: we are the market leader in webinars and webcasts services for financial results, internal communication, marketing and external communication with our solution Company Webcast. We help our clients to increase their visibility, engagement and international coverage. We also provide flexible and customized market data components for Investor Relations websites of listed companies.
•    Compliance: our ComplyLog products helps companies simplify their EU regulatory duties, speed up workflows and ensure compliance by automating the management of inside information and insider lists for both issuers and their professional advisors ensuring compliance with the European Market Abuse Regulation (MAR).
•    Investor Relations: our advisory team provides high-touch advisory, ESG advisory, market intelligence and decision making analytics for listed companies willing to be more active on capital markets. Our IR.Manager tool provides a complete and intuitive IR management and targeting platform for corporate IR teams to professionalize the workflow and engagement.

Euronext Corporate Services is a fully integrated division of Euronext, including all the resources to pursue its business activities: Revenue, Growth Marketing, Product & Innovation, Technology & Operations, Client Excellence and Transformation. It also relies on Euronext support functions to accompany its growth.

Job Position Summary: 
This is a position for a Senior Cloud & DevOps Engineer to support the different Product Lines and contribute to the overall productization of our Cloud and DevOps components, improving productivity and velocity of the teams, while ensuring successful implementation and maintenance of our infrastructure ecosystem.

Key accountabilities

  • Leads the creation and implementation of systems that optimize software development and production infrastructure management.
  • Leads the design and implementation of secure automation solutions for development, testing, and production environments.
  • Leads the design and management of CI/CD tools to accelerate software development and deployment.
  • Developing and maintaining documentation for DevOps processes and systems.
  • Troubleshooting and resolving infrastructure issues in development, test, and production environments.
  • Collaborating closely with development and operations teams to ensure smooth workflows.
  • Provide innovative solutions to enable industrialization, improved productivity, efficiency and time-to-market.
  • Monitor and track the performance and capacity of environments.
  • Use expertise in IT project delivery (project management, architecture, design, development and operations) to deliver critical in-house solutions required by IT and Business departments.
  • Participate in team discussions to design the best architecture for our applications
  • Coordinate process improvement, re-engineering and solutions designs to respond to the development identified during reviews.
  • Ensure code and design system architectures are developed to define user compatibility.
  • Debug and optimize code, automate tasks and repeated manual work.
  • Review and update existing documentation.

Your profile

  • At least 4 years of experience as Cloud & DevOps engineer, preferably with AWS and Gitlab
  • Significant experience with version control, configuration management, and software deployment (e.g., Git, GitLab, GitHub, Jenkins, Terraform).
  • Proficiency in infrastructure as code (IaC) and CI/CD pipelines.
  • Comfortable managing complex cloud environments.
  • Strong understanding of microservices architectures and application containerization strategies and implementation.
  • Excellent problem-solving and communication skills.
  • Able to create strong engagement with Development teams and foster team spirit.
  • Ability to mentor junior resources in the team.
  • Security knowledge of Windows and Linux operating systems and supporting infrastructure elements.
  • Strong Experience on database management and scalability (MSServer, MySQL, Postgres, Mongo,…).
  • Experience designing and maintaining SaaS application (systems, networks, End User Computing…).
  • Experience in managing and delivering software or infrastructure development projects.
  • Experience in process improvement, re-engineering and root-cause analysis/resolution.
  • Flexibility and ability to work in dynamic environments with changing priorities.

  • Italy
  • HR Business Partner
  • Employee

Key accountabilities
• Be the key liaison with the Management providing them support on complex HR issues and suggesting opportunities for improvements, efficiencies and new potential projects.
• Contribute to the implementation of the HR strategies to meet the needs and requirements of the business segment.
• Ensure that all local HR policies comply with relevant legislation) and are well-implemented within the organization. Support their alignment across Euronext countries.
• Ensure the provision and the communication of excellent HR services to management and employees.
• Develop a strong network with all relevant internal and external stakeholders.

Your profile
• Successful proven work experience in HR Management preferably with international exposure
• Great communicator, flexible, team player, cultural awareness, and strong relationship-building skills
• Integrity, confidentiality and rigor in applying and explaining rules
• Proven ability to draw up plans, projects, and policies and manage these convincingly

Our values

Our values shape our behaviour and define who we are, principles that are a reflection of us. Our values were defined by our employees as the behaviours everyone at Euronext strives to live and work by.

Euronext Values - Unity


  • Respect and value the people we work with
  • We are unified through a common purpose
  • Embrace diversity and strive for inclusion
Euronext Values - Integrity


  • Value transparency, communicate honestly and share information openly
  • Act with integrity in everything we do
  • Don't hide mistakes- learn from them
Euronext Values - Agility


  • Act with a sense of urgency and decisiveness
  • Be adaptable, responsive and embrace change
  • Take smart risks
Euronext Values - Energy


  • Be positively driven to make a difference and challenge the status quo
  • Focus on and encourage personal leadership
  • We motivate each other with our ambition
Euronext Values - Accountability


  • Deliver maximum value to our customers and stakeholders
  • Take ownership and be accountable for the outcome
  • Reward and celebrate performance

Gender equality

Euronext is committed to diversity and gender equality.

We are proud to disclose our score to the “Index de l’égalité professionnelle”.

For 2023, Euronext Paris has reached a score of 93/100 and Euronext Technologies of 88/100*.

We will keep improving all types of diversity.

*Details Results

Items Euronext Paris Euronext Technologies
Ecart de remuneration 38 33
Taux d’augmentation 35 35
Maternité 15 15
10 plus hautes rémunérations 5 5
Gender Equality - Euronext

Flavia Natario Da Silva

Business Analyst

They say it best...

Flavia joined the Porto Technology Centre in 2016 as a Product Support Analyst before contributing to the development of our Optiq trading platform. She now designs new functionalities that address our clients’ needs while anticipating quality assurance (QA) impacts.

Shelley Oor

Commercial Manager – Real Time Market Data

Within Euronext’s real-time market data business, Shelley started as an analyst before moving to policy making and is now responsible for all commercial  and regulatory projects.


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A responsible member of each community we operate in.



Human Resources