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All Bell ceremonies

  • 7616a6a92ce7-47de-43c7-93e5-358cfbb43711

    Euronext welcomes Carbios, a green chemistry company on Alternext Paris

    Jean-Claude Lumaret, CEO of Carbios opens the European trading day in Paris.

    Carbios is a green chemistry company specializing in the development of breakthrough technologies in the recovery of plastic waste and the production of bio-polymers. "Our ambition is to develop new programmed self-degradable plastics; transform plastic into high value raw material so it can act as a substitute for petroleum; and regenerate new plastics from plastic waste”, said Jean-Claude Lumaret, CEO of Carbios. “100 million tons of valuable plastic waste in the world; that is a windfall of $100 billion and represent a significant reservoir of untapped renewable resources.

  • Winner Shell LiveWIRE Award sounds gong

     |  Amsterdam


    Winner Shell LiveWIRE Award sounds gong

    Brechtje Riphagen, founder of Innofuse and the winner of the prestigious Shell LiveWIRE Award 2013 visits Euronext Amsterdam and sounds the gong in the presence of president director Shell Netherlands B.V., Dick Benschop and director Syntens Innovation Center, Piet van Staalduinen.

    The winner is chosen on December 17th and received the award from Bertholt Leeftink, director-general Enterprise and Innovation at the Ministry of Economic Affairs at the award ceremony hosted at Shell Headquarters in The Hague. Shell LiveWIRE is an international social investment programme that aims to help young innovative entrepreneurs develop their business. Every year over 600 entrepreneurs receive free professional coaching and training through master classes as well as access to an expert network. Syntens Innovation implements Shell LiveWIRE programme in the Netherlands. The programme is active in 17 countries.

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  • Listing of Qrf on Euronext Brussels

     |  Brussels


    Listing of Qrf on Euronext Brussels

    Since 18 December 2013 is the company Qrf listed on Euronext Brussels. Quares stands for Quality Real Estate Services. Quares is a real estate specialist operating in Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Germany and France. The company’s primary objective is to maximise the financial returns on real estate of private clients, business partners and investors.Qrf-Quares Retail Fund- founded on 3 September 2013, is part of the group and is a quoted fixed-capital real estate investment fund investing in commercial real estate under Belgian law. Qrf focuses on inner-city stores in streets that are dominant in their catchment areas. The fund seeks to create value through active portfolio management and an innovative, professional approach.

    To celebrate this event, Anneleen Desmyter, CEO of Qrf opened the markets with a Bell Ceremony on 18 December 2013 together with Freddy Hoorens and Herman Du Bois.  Anneleen Desmyterhad the honour to write the first opening price on the blackboard. Other guests of honour were Inge Boets, Chairman of the Board, Frank De Moor and Jan Brouwers, Board members - Francis Hendrickx, CFO - Bert Weemaes, COO and An Bertels, Finance Manager.

    The ticker code : QRF.

    If you would like to find out more on Quares :

  • Aon celebrates 325th anniversary at Euronext Amsterdam

     |  Amsterdam


    Aon celebrates 325th anniversary at Euronext Amsterdam

    Today (Re)insurance brokers are common among organizations and individuals, but that was not always the case. Exactly 325 years ago the oldest existing insurance broker in the world was founded, a company that is now known as Aon (ticker symbol: AON). CEO Aon Benfield Netherlands,Bob Reichenfeld, sounds the gong to celebrate the anniversary.

    The founding father of Aon risk consultants and (re)insurance brokers is Evert van Heijningen. Back in 1688 he founded his company, Van Heijningen, which is now part of one of the largest financial services companies in the world. What began with a single policy, is now a $ 11.5 billion global company with over 500 offices in 120 countries and a working population of more than 65,000.

    (Re)insurance brokers and insurers continue to ensure that risks are manageable and pose limited threat to the continuity of a company. "Over the years a lot has changed in the insurance business, but the goal has remained the same. We make sure that entrepreneurs can and dare to take responsible risks by helping them to protect and manage their business continuity," says Lex Geerdes , Country Manager Aon Netherlands, CEO Aon Risk Solutions Benelux and CEE.

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  • 7611d03d383e-83c5-46c5-ae74-c608db3eb8e5

    Montepio toca o sino para comemorar a emissão de 200 M€

    TO presidente, António Tomás Correia, e os administradores da Caixa Económica Montepio Geral tocaram o sino que marcou o encerramento da sessão da Bolsa Portuguesa para comemorar a emissão de 200 milhões de euros em unidade de participação

  • 760869d0ffa3-094b-4600-8760-c665d68e91f5

    Bell Ceremony to celebrate the first listing of the equity options on Arseus

    On 16 December 2013, Ger van Jeveren, CEO of Arseus opened the markets with aBell Ceremony at Euronext Brussels to celebrate the introduction of new option contracts on Arseus at Euronext Liffe Brussels. The trading symbol is RCU.

    Arseus is a multinational group of companies that provides products, services and concepts for professionals and institutions active in the healthcare sector in Europe, North America, South America, Asia and Australia. Arseus is subdivided into four divisions and, among other things, is active in the markets for magistral preparations for pharmacies, dental products, medical and surgical products and medical IT solutions. The Belgian company Arseus NV is located in Waregem, and is listed on Euronext Brussels and Euronext Amsterdam.

    To learn more about the company :

    Contract specifications :

  • Winner of the FD Gazellen Awards visits Euronext

     |  Amsterdam


    Winner of the FD Gazellen Awards visits Euronext

    Arends Techniek is the winner of the 10th edition of the FD Gazellen Award and visits Euronext to celebrate.

    The FD Gazelle Award, presented annually by the Dutch financial daily Het Financieele Dagblad, is aimed at promoting entrepreneurship and drawing attention to the country’s fastest-growing companies. This year, for the 10th consecutive year, awards were presented to the fastest-growing companies in each category. In all 12 provinces, regional prizes were awarded in three categories, based on sales levels (small, medium, large). At the same time, Het Financieele Dagblad delved into the state of entrepreneurship in each province.

    Arends Techniek emerged as the national winner of the award for the Fastest-Growing Company of 2013. The company, which installs solar panels, received the award in The Hague during the finals of the FD Gazellen Awards, where a ranking of the 100 fastest growing companies in the Netherlands was unveiled.In three years’ time the company became the fastest growing company in the Netherlands with a growth percentage of 1185%.CEO, Marjan Arends Smid, sounds the gong.

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  • 76093666d2b8-e25e-4567-9961-e9e5796ca927

    Young farmers from Loiret close the Europeans markets in Paris

    Within the framework of their general assembly, young Loiret farmers (farmers' union promoting the farming industry) are accompanied by Crédit Mutuel to visit Euronext.

    Created by farmers, Crédit Mutuel protects its founding values : its development of the farming market and food-processing industries continues to reinforce  these same values : synergies, close relationships, innovation and local know-how.

  • Euronext introduces equity options on OCI N.V.

     |  Amsterdam


    Euronext introduces equity options on OCI N.V.

    Euronext N.V., a wholly owned subsidiary of IntercontinentalExchange Group, Inc. (NYSE: ICE), introduces options on the shares of OCI N.V. (“OCI”). The options will be available as of Friday 13 December on the derivatives market of Euronext Amsterdam.

    OCI N.V. is a global producer of natural gas-based chemicals and an engineering & construction contractor, with projects and investments in Europe, the United States, Middle East, North Africa and Central Asia. The company employs more than 75,000 people in 35 countries around the globe.

    The chemicals segment produces nitrogen fertilizers, methanol and other natural gas based products and ranks among the world’s top fertilizer producers with a fertilizer production capacity of nearly 7 million metrictons in The Netherlands, the United States, Egypt and Algeria. The company is currently constructing a world-scale fertilizer plant in Iowa, USA and recently announced it will start the construction of a world-scale methanol plant in Texas, USA, once finished the largest one in North America.

    The construction segment provides international engineering and construction services primarily on infrastructure, industrial and high-end commercial projects and ranks among the world’s top global contractors. Notable construction projects include Burj Khalifa in Dubai, the world’s tallest building, Ferrari Experience theme park in Abu Dhabi, the new Grand Egyptian Museum in Cairo, roof over the A2 motorway in Utrecht, the Netherlands and Maastoren, the tallest building in the Netherlands.

    The newly listed options follow the successful listing of OCI on Euronext Amsterdam on 25 January 2013. Since September 2013, OCI N.V. has been a constituent of the AMX-Index®, the index for mid-sized companies listed on Euronext Amsterdam. By adding these new options Euronext is expanding the number of equity option classes on AMX® companies to 22. In addition, all constituents of the AEX-Index® have an equity option listing.

    Frank Ammerlaan, Head of Sales & Client Coverage Benelux for Euronext, said:  “We are pleased to announce the introduction of the OCI options, providing investors with new investment opportunities. The Amsterdam derivatives market of Euronext is a highly liquid and competitive market, with a large number of direct market participants trading in a wide and successful range of equity option classes. The OCI options are a great addition to our option series and increase the range of options on large internationally oriented companies.”

    These new American-style options (option trading symbol: OCI) will expire on the third Friday of the contract month and will have initial maturities of 1, 2, 3 and 6 months. Each option will represent 100 shares in OCI and will be cleared via LCH.Clearnet SA.

    Euronext lists over 200 equity options (also known as individual stock options) on leading European companies via the Amsterdam, Brussels, London and Paris central order books.

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  • Ecossistema Empreendedor de Lisboa toca o sino

     |  Lisbon


    Ecossistema Empreendedor de Lisboa toca o sino

    Paulo Carvalho, da Câmara Municipal de Lisboa (CML), bem como vários empreendedores (Miguel Santo Amaro da Uniplaces, Filipe Botto, da Yonest, Domingos Guimarães da Live Content e Bernardo Gaieras, da Fab Lab Lisboa,) e Inês Domingos, da Macrometria e autora do estudo “O Ecossistema Empreendedor de Lisboa” tocaram o sino que marcou o encerramento da sessão da Bolsa Portuguesa.

    A Euronext Lisbon organizou uma conferência para divulgar o estudo e a Rede de Incubadoras de Lisboa, uma iniciativa que foi apoiada pela CML. O mesmo evento contou, ainda, com a presença de quatro jovens empresários que partilharam as suas experiências e projectos. Actualmente, no seu sétimo ano a Semana Global de Empreendedorismo (GEW) é actualmente celebrado em 140 países e milhares de cidades ao redor do mundo.

  • SnowWorld celebrates listing

     |  Amsterdam


    SnowWorld celebrates listing

    As of December 12, SnowWorld N.V., proprietor and owner of the world's largest indoor ski resort, is listed on Euronext Amsterdam.

    SnowWorld (ticker symbol: SNOW) is a company based in Zoetermeer in the Netherlands. With its two indoor ski facilities, SnowWorld is one of the world’s leading companies in this industry.

    To celebrate the listing CEO Koos Hendriks sounds the gong. He is accompanied by Wim Moerman (CFO), SnowWorld’s management team and advisors along with the teams from EnterNext and Euronext.

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  • EasyNext Lisbon recebe HQ Life

     |  Lisbon


    EasyNext Lisbon recebe HQ Life

    A HQ Life, uma sociedade de investimentos que apoia start-up’s dos setores de telecomunicações, media, internet e cuidados de saúde, foi hoje admitida à cotação no mercado EasyNext Lisbon, que faz parte da Euronext NV, uma subsidiária da IntercontinentalExchange Group, Inc. (NYSE: ICE). A HQ Life Corporation também está cotada na Bolsa de Hamburgo.


    Para comemorar a entrada no EasyNext Lisbon, CEO Markus Beforth tocou o sino que marcou a abertura do mercado EasyNext Lisbon, juntamente com o listing sponsor, Stock Market Partners e a equipa da Euronext Lisbon.

  • 7603f8877cf7-9a15-407a-91c0-274ce856d09e

    Mint Tower Capital Management celebrates 3th anniversary Mint Tower Arbitrage Fund

    Mint Tower Capital Management celebrates the third anniversary of the Mint Tower Arbitrage Fund by sounding the gong.

    The Mint Tower Arbitrage Fund was set up three years ago, aimed at achieving stable returns in rising and falling financial markets, the so-called "absolute return" investing. This goal is achieved in the first three years with a positive result, even in highly turbulent markets with very low scores in the performance of the fund.

    Mint Tower Capital distinguishes itself with an experienced Dutch team and proven arbitrage strategies in particular stock options and convertible bonds. These are strategies with a very low correlation to stock markets and are therefore well suited as part of a diversified investment portfolio.

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  • 760124d379e1-40c9-47d2-92ce-45f988fe43a3

    Société Générale celebrates the launch of the Certificate 100% CAC Low Risk

    On Tuesday 10th December, Société Générale & Finvex rang The Opening Bell in Paris to celebrate the launch of the Certificate 100% 100% CAC Low Risk.

    Tradable as easily as a share on Euronext Paris, the Certificate 100% CAC Low Risk tracks the performance, with no leverage, of the Index CAC Low Risk. Annual management is 1%.

  • 76029412b78f-0628-4bbf-bc7e-12d62640477f

    Bell Ceremony to celebrate the first listing of a covered bond under the ING “Belgium Residential Mortgage Pandbrieven Programme

    Guy Beniada, CFO of ING Belgium, rang the Opening Bell on Euronext Brussels on 10 December 2013 to celebrate the first listing of a ING covered bond under the Belgium Residential Mortgage Pandbrieven Programme  for a maximum of 10 billion euro. This successful transaction allowed ING Belgium to place 1 billion euro with a wide range of institutional investors. The Pandbrieven listed today have a 5 years maturity and an annual coupon of 1,125% and are covered by Belgian residential mortgages.

  • 7600bc69fabf-9017-493c-bcf4-635d855e08ec

    Royal Vopak visits Euronext Amsterdam for Capital Markets Day

    Royal Vopak hosts the 2013 Capital Markets Day at Euronext Amsterdam in the Netherlands this year.

    Members of the Executive Board and other Senior Executives give an update to the financial community on selected topics regarding strategic and financial developments and the relevant dynamics of the international energy and chemical markets in which Vopak operates.Investor Relations Officer, Maurits Thijssen, sounds the gong.

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  • EnterNext welcomes Entreprendre on Alternext

     |  Paris


    EnterNext welcomes Entreprendre on Alternext

    Entreprendre is France's leading independent magazine press group. Number one in general-interest magazine press, the group capitalizes on more than 20 years of experience represented by the successful development of the trend-setting magazine “Entreprendre”. The group's published content, rich and current, includes a portfolio of 80 magazines that are leaders in their niche markets and stand out on the sale shelves. The group is a pioneer in magazine press digitization with France's only digital magazines, available on the Internet, on mobile phones, and on tablets.

  • 7725d5b68d93-3617-440e-a0de-30ed759e4594

    Ações dos CTT começam a negociar na Euronext após sucesso da privatização

    CTT shares start negotiating in Euronext after the success of privatization Os CTT - Correios de Portugal, SA (ticker: CTT), o maior operador postal e um grande operador logístico em Portugal, celebram a sua admissão à cotação na Bolsa Portuguesa, após o sucesso da privatização. O Estado Português alienou 70% do capital da empresa, através de uma oferta pública de venda (21 000 000 de acções, ou 20% em oferta) e uma venda directa a investidores institucionais (84 000 000 de acções, ou 80% em oferta), tanto nacionais como internacionais. O Estado, através da Parpública- Participações Públicas, SGPS, S.A, mantém uma participação de 30%.
