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IR Magazine Global Forum & Awards


Sounding of the gong by IR Magazine for Global Forum & Awards in Amsterdam

In occasion of their Global Forum & Awards in Amsterdam on October 9 and 10 IR Magazine opens trading by sounding of the gong.

The IR Magazine Global Forum & Awards is an international and independent event that focuses on sharing best practice and discussing the big issues facing investor relations globally. IR Magazine presents their Global Top 50, which is a global ranking of IR, and the Global People’s Choice Awards at the event.

IR Magazine is an award-winning publication of IR Media Group, a business media company renowned for its magazines, websites, events and research. IR Magazine, available both digital and in print, helps IR professionals globally to achieve more with their IR programs, benchmark their efforts and connect to their peers in the IR community. In addition to reporting the latest developments, writing in-depth features, producing research reports and broadcasting podcasts, IR Magazine hosts events around the world. 

IR Magazine also hosts conferences and webinars as part of their commitment to providing ongoing education to the IR community.

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