Extraordinary General Meeting 20/11/2020


A virtual Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) of Euronext N.V. was held on Friday 20 November 2020 at 10.30 a.m. CET. Formally, the EGM was held at the offices of Euronext N.V. at Beursplein 5, 1012 JW Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

All the items on the updated agenda were approved. These items were as follows:

  1. Approval of the acquisition of the entire issued share capital of London Stock Exchange Group Holdings Italia S.p.A. (“The Proposed Combination”) pursuant to section 2:107a Dutch Civil Code
  2. Designation of the Managing Board as the corporate body authorized to issue shares and/or to grant rights to subscribe for shares and exclude or limit related pre-emptive rights in connection with the Proposed Combination (Private Placement)
  3. Designation of the Managing Board as the corporate body authorized to issue shares and/or to grant rights to subscribe for shares and exclude or limit related pre-emptive rights in connection with the Proposed Combination (Rights Offer)

The agenda to the EGM and the explanatory notes thereto, the Shareholders Circular, the presentation at the EGM by the CEO, an overview of the voting results and the minutes of the meeting can be found below.


  • PDF

Convening notice

English Version

English Convening notice /sites/default/files/financial-event-doc/2020-10/20201009%20-%20Euronext%20EGM%20Convening%2020%20November%202020.pdf
  • PDF

Agenda to the EGM

English Version

English Agenda to the EGM /sites/default/files/financial-event-doc/2020-10/Agenda%20EGM%20Euronext%2020%20November%202020_.pdf
  • PDF

Shareholders Circular

English Version

English Shareholders Circular /sites/default/files/financial-event-doc/2020-10/Euronext%20N.V.%20EGM%20Circular%282001861397.pdf
  • PDF

Presentation at the EGM by the CEO

English Version

English Presentation at the EGM by the CEO /sites/default/files/financial-event-doc/2020-11/2020112020_Presentation%20at%20the%20EGM%20by%20the%20CEO.pdf
  • PDF

Voting results

English Version

English Voting results /sites/default/files/financial-event-doc/2020-11/Voting%20results%20Euronext%20NV%20EGM%2020%20November%202020.pdf
  • PDF

Minutes EGM 20 November 2020

English Version

English Minutes EGM 20 November 2020 /sites/default/files/financial-event-doc/2021-05/Minutes%20of%20the%20Extraordinary%20General%20Meeting%20of%20Euronext%20NV%2020%20November%202020.pdf