
Shape the future.
Grow in your career. 
Join Euronext.

Driven by expertise. Empowering people.

We are an independent exchange at the heart of Europe’s financial markets,

close to local ecosystems and connecting market participants globally.

Shape the future

Our ambition is to continue to power local & global capital markets to drive sustainable growth for our clients. You can play a key role in helping us achieve this ambition.

Join Euronext

In a unique place to work

We are an agile, innovative and dynamic organisation with a strong people culture and ethos.
We take great pride in the heritage of our Exchanges while embracing the future.

Grow with an ambitious global player

Euronext has tripled in value since 2014 and has a strong track record of successful acquisitions and expansion. We now have employees spread across 11 European countries, the US and Asia.

Thrive in a high performing culture

where you can have an impact and challenge the status quo, both within and outside your team.

Be recognised and rewarded

for your performance and contribution, through new career opportunities, or attractive compensation packages and incentive schemes.

Join a vibrant internal culture

where we invest in employee well-being through our Wellnext program and develop CSR initiatives. We are proud to be an equal opportunity employer and promote a work environment open to diversity in all its forms.

Discover our open positions



  • Denmark
  • Software Development
  • Employee

Have you just completed an IT degree and are you ready to innovate, develop and maintain our stocks and bonds systems across Europe?

“We want to engage the best talents, and believe that your professional acumen and experience characterize your qualifications, but it is your little personal twist that makes the difference to succeed”

Welcome to Euronext Securities
We are a central securities depository (CSD) placed central in Copenhagen with the best view in town. We are 150 committed colleagues who are specialized within business and IT development. With us you will experience humour, helpfulness and expertise - we take your development seriously and make room for socializing. 
We develop business logic as well as presentation in web interface for safekeeping services, corporate actions, clearing/settlement, custody, and tax reporting depository services. 

Job description
As a Software Developer, you will join an open and sharing Issuance & Custody department. Here, you will work alongside experienced developers, product owners and other specialists who are ready to help give you a detailed introduction to our complex business area. 

Your key tasks and responsibility include:

  • Analysis, development and maintenance of existing code, with responsibility for the entire development process in close dialogue with the business.

  • Analysis, development and maintenance of interface to surrounding systems.

  • Support future-proofing the technical platform 

You support the business with both development, operational tasks and code solutions where we are challenged by an evolving market and new regulations. Our core systems run on the mainframe, our development environments are on the Windows platform and we code both in EGL, PL/I and Java. 
Maintenance of our production systems is an important part of our daily operation. Secure and stable operation is our license to operate.


  • Relevant education within IT

  • You are a true collaborator

  • You are proactive, take responsibility and ask for help when needed

  • You have a strong sense of ownership and take pride in your performance

  • You speak and write English and Danish fluently

Interested - then apply now!

You are welcome to contact Head of Development Issuance & Custody – Amra Besic Pedersen if you have any questions: – due to summer holiday there can be delay on our response. 
Send your application before 4 August 2024. 

We look forward to hearing from you!

About us
Euronext is the leading pan-European market infrastructure, connecting local economies to global capital markets, to accelerate innovation and sustainable growth. It operates regulated exchanges in Belgium, France, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway and Portugal. With close to 1,900 listed issuers worth €5.6 trillion in market capitalization as of end March 2021, it has an unmatched blue chip franchise and a strong diverse domestic and international client base. Euronext operates regulated and transparent equity and derivatives markets, one of Europe’s leading electronic fixed income trading markets and is the largest centre for debt and funds listings in the world. Its total product offering includes Equities, FX, Exchange Traded Funds, Warrants & Certificates, Bonds, Derivatives, Commodities and Indices. Euronext also leverages its expertise in running markets by providing technology and managed services to third parties. In addition to its main regulated market, it also operates a number of junior markets, simplifying access to listing for SMEs. Euronext provides custody and settlement services through central securities depositories in Denmark, Italy, Norway and Portugal.


  • France
  • Intern and Apprentice
  • Employee

Company | Euronext

Euronext is the leading pan-European market infrastructure, connecting local economies to global capital markets, to accelerate innovation and sustainable growth. It operates regulated exchanges in Belgium, France, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway and Portugal. With close to 1,900 listed issuers worth €5.6 trillion in market capitalisation as of end March 2021, it has an unmatched blue chip franchise and a strong diverse domestic and international client base. Euronext operates regulated and transparent equity and derivatives markets, one of Europe’s leading electronic fixed income trading markets and is the largest centre for debt and funds listings in the world. Its total product offering includes Equities, FX, Exchange Traded Funds, Warrants & Certificates, Bonds, Derivatives, Commodities and Indices. Euronext also leverages its expertise in running markets by providing technology and managed services to third parties. In addition to its main regulated market, it also operates a number of junior markets, simplifying access to listing for SMEs. Euronext provides custody and settlement services through central securities depositories in Denmark, Italy, Norway and Portugal.


For the latest news, go to or follow us on Twitter ( and LinkedIn (



Within Euronext, the Listing Department is in charge of the relationship with listed companies and those contemplating an IPO. Our mission is to promote financial markets and explain to business leaders the benefits of listing and how to better use financial markets once public. In addition, we are supporting a dynamic through creating and promoting new services and financing instruments, developing the investors’ axis, bringing together the ecosystem and lobbying towards European public authorities.

Within the ExpertLine team located in the heart of the market surveillance room, the trainee is always in close contact with the market and its Listing clients (listed companies, financial intermediaries, law firm, etc.) and with the Euronext teams.

Key accountabilities

  • Good Understanding of the Euronext’s environment.

  • Assisting all the Euronext clients using the support tool dedicated to them (statistics, legal aspects, etc).

  • Constant improvement of processes / tools and ensure an high level of quality service in due time

  • Answer to questions and requests raised by issuers and third parties ( phone/e mails/ meetings)

  • Promote web services dedicated to our clients

  • Ensure a treatment of quality and ensure a reactive feedback, within an agreed timeframe, to questions and requests issued by issuers.

  • Develop supporting documentation (user guide, factsheet, ...).

  • Assistance in the production of statistics for listed companies financial reporting

  • The key accountabilities only describe the main activities and are not exhaustive. It evolves depending on the expertise level and ongoing projects.


  • Proven previous experience within a transaction services, investment bank and/or an advisory boutique.

  • Good understanding of Equity Capital Markets

  • Expert verbal communication skills both internally and externally.

  • Excellent analytical skills and attention to detail.

  • Rigorous, organized, endowed with an excellent relationship and a sense of communication, you are dynamic and you are responsive and initiative. Fluency in English and /or Norvegian is essential.


  • France
  • Intern and Apprentice
  • Employee


Qui sommes-nous ?

Euronext ?  C’est la première infrastructure de marché paneuropéenne, connectant les économies européennes aux marchés de capitaux mondiaux, pour accélérer l'innovation et la croissance durable. Elle gère des marchés réglementés en Belgique, en France, en Irlande, en Italie, en Norvège, aux Pays-Bas et au Portugal.

Son objectif est de façonner les marchés de capitaux pour les générations futures. À ce titre, Euronext occupe une position particulière dans l'écosystème financier. Elle est au service de l'économie réelle en réunissant acheteurs et vendeurs dans des lieux de négociation transparents, efficaces et fiables.

Dans ce rôle clé, Euronext a une responsabilité envers l'ensemble de la communauté financière, non seulement pour assurer la stabilité financière, mais aussi pour contribuer de manière décisive à un modèle de croissance durable dans les pays dans lesquels elle opère.

Opérateur sur le marché ? Mais comment ?

Avec près de 2 000 émetteurs cotés et une capitalisation boursière d'environ 6 600 milliards d'euros à la fin mars 2022, Euronext dispose d'une franchise inégalée de valeurs sûres et d'une clientèle nationale et internationale très diversifiée.

Et dans le fond ?

Euronext gère des marchés d'actions et de dérivés réglementés et transparents, l'un des principaux marchés électroniques de négociation de titres à revenu fixe en Europe et le plus grand centre de cotation de titres de créance et de fonds au monde. Son offre totale de produits comprend des actions, des devises, des fonds négociés en bourse, des warrants et des certificats, des obligations, des produits dérivés, des matières premières et des indices. Le Groupe offre une chambre de compensation multi-actifs par le biais d'Euronext Clearing, ainsi que des services de conservation et de règlement par le biais des dépositaires centraux de titres d'Euronext Securities au Danemark, en Italie, en Norvège et au Portugal.

Euronext tire également parti de son expertise dans l'exploitation des marchés en fournissant des technologies et des services gérés à des tiers. En plus de son principal marché réglementé, elle

exploite également un certain nombre de marchés juniors, simplifiant l'accès à la cotation pour les PME.

Comment cela est possible ?

Euronext considère ses membres comme acteurs de sa réussite quel que soit leur métier. Pour évoluer dans cette dynamique, Euronext souhaite accueillir davantage de talents afin d’y participer !

Euronext recrute !

C’est l’opportunité pour vous d’intégrer une équipe motivée et dynamique dans un environnement international, afin de développer des compétences généralistes et opérationnelles en gestion des ressources humaines.

Key Accountabilities 

Au sein de l’équipe Ressources Humaines France, l’alternant(e) RH interviendra principalement sur les missions suivantes (non exhaustive).

Gestion du processus de recrutement tout en garantissant une expérience candidat positive :

  • Accompagner les managers dans leurs recrutements de stagiaires et alternants au sein de tous les départements basés en France (Business : Indice, cash & dérivés, etc., opérations et fonctions supports).

  • Diffuser et gérer les offres de stages et/ou alternants via tous les canaux de recrutements (site carrières, jobboards, forums,…).

  • Sélectionner les candidatures en adéquation avec la recherche et effectuer la pré qualification téléphonique.

  • Planifier les entretiens RH et managers, ainsi que d’éventuels tests de compétences.

  • Procéder à l’intégration administrative des futurs stagiaires et/ou alternants à l’issue de l’étape de recrutement.

Animation de la communauté early careers France toute en développant la marque employeur :

En lien avec l’apprenti(e) chargé(e) du recrutement sur le périmètre IT & Operations  :

  • Contribuer à une intégration efficace des nouveaux stagiaires/apprentis au sein de la population des jeunes talents (early careers) en organisant leur intégration RH, des présentations métiers et équipes, des visites de nos locaux …

  • Être le référent RH de cette communauté dans tous les aspects lors de leur vie professionnelle au sein d’Euronext en lien avec la DRH et l’équipe de HRBP France.

Suivi de la marque employeur :

  • Contribuer au déploiement de la marque employeur et gérer les relations écoles.

  • Organiser, participer et promouvoir le programme early careers Euronext lors de forums dédiés (Femmes ingénieurs, Handicap Talent …) et forums écoles (Sorbonnes, Edhec, …).

  • Organiser et suivre les stages d’observation (stage de 3ième et seconde).

Formation :

Dans le cadre des projets transverses HR, l’apprenti viendra en support dans l’organisation des programmes/évènements en lien avec la formation.

Profil recherché :

Tu es à la recherche d’une alternance dans un environnement innovant et curieux(se) d’en apprendre plus sur le marché financier. 

Actuellement en formation supérieure bac+4/5. Tu es doté(e) d’une forte aisance relationnelle. Tu es reconnu(e) pour ton sens du détail, ta capacité de synthèse et rédactionnelle ainsi que ta capacité à conduire des projets de manière autonome.

Faisant preuve d’initiative dans les missions qui te sont confiées.

Ta maitrise du pack office est avancée ainsi que ton aisance en anglais, ta présence constituera un atout chez Euronext !


L’équipe RH est actuellement composée de personnalités toutes aussi authentiques les unes que les autres, qui seraient ravie de t’intégrer parmi eux ! La force de notre équipe se puise principalement dans notre énergie, nos expériences mais surtout notre implication dans les divers sujets RH.

Toujours disponible pour échanger, former, apprendre, nous recherchons une personne dynamique, volontaire et qui a envie d’évoluer dans un environnement challengeant.

N’attend plus, rejoins les équipes EURONEXT ! 


  • Italy
  • IT Engineering
  • Employee
  • Job Description Summary
    Implementation of IT Infrastructure projects, from initiation through to completion and support and mainenance of the Data Center Infrastructure services.
  • Job Description

    Euronext is the leading pan-European exchange in the Eurozone with a unique federal model across the Belgium, Dutch, French, Irish, Norwegian, Portuguese, Italian markets. Euronext also operates a UK-based regulated securities market.


    From raising equity to traded products, issuer services to market data, Euronext addresses the needs of our marketplaces, investors and companies, playing a crucial role in connecting European businesses to capital markets, fostering economic growth, and providing listing opportunities for companies of varying size.

    Global Data Center Team (Located in Milan, Paris, Porto) is looking for an Operations Engineer to support IT Infrastructure projects and services.

    Key accountability:

    • Support strategic and complex projects and services in accordance with Euronext global IT strategy and processes
    • Participate in team discussions to design the architecture of new solutions
    • Monitor and track the performance and capacity of environments
    • Prepares regular and ad-hoc status reports on progress
    • Optimize automate tasks and repeated manual work
    • Review and update existing documentation
    • Ssupport to the Facility Managment activities
    • Basic configuration of devices
    • Installing, replacing and verifying cable integrity of an installed cross-connect

    Core skills:

    • Global IT Infrastructure knowledge (Data Center, systems, network, cloud, etc) is mandatory
    • Communication skills, including fluent english
    • Able to work under pressure to support project deadlines and live services actvities
    • Proactivity mindset and anticipation capabilities
    • Demonstrate ability to be confident, pragmatic and tenacious
    • Installing, replacing or removing equipment components such as a router/switch card, disk drive or memory


    • 5 years minimum of experience managing and delivering complex and strategic IT infrastructure projects (such as Data Center, Network, Systems, Cloud initiatives)
    • Experience in the delivery life-cycle in a high challenge, international, complex, multi-project environment
    • Knowledge of hardware, network and systems infrastructure elements,
    • Experience in process improvement, re-engineering and root-cause analysis/resolution
    • Flexibility and ability to work in environments with changing priorities

  • Italy
  • Software Development
  • Employee
Key accountabilities • Implement in coding the most complex components in new functionalities • Design performance critical subsystems • Produce clear and accurate documentation relative to implemented code • Work with other teams on overall trading system design • Contribute to projects addressing challenging subjects linked to new functionalities Your profile • Proficient in designing and developing with C++ using templates • Other programming languages expertise like Java and Python are a plus • Sound understanding of Linux operating systems • Strong problem-solving and analytical skills • Experience leveraging modern technologies such as the following to help us design and build our future: Go, JavaScript, Scala, NodeJS, HTML5, Mobile Data Science, Machine Learning, Big Data, Streaming, Data Analytics Microservices, Cloud, Containers (e.g. Docker), Scalable Designs

  • France
  • Intern and Apprentice
  • Employee

Who are we ?

Euronext ? It's the leading pan-European market infrastructure, connecting European economies to global capital markets to accelerate innovation and sustainable growth. Euronext manages regulated markets in Belgium, France, Ireland, Italy, Norway, the Netherlands, and Portugal.

Our goal is to shape capital markets for future generations. In this regard, Euronext holds a unique position within the financial ecosystem. We serve the real economy by bringing together buyers and sellers in transparent, efficient, and reliable trading venues.

In this key role, Euronext has a responsibility to the entire financial community, not only to ensure financial stability but also to make a decisive contribution to a sustainable growth model in the countries where we operate.

Market Operator ? But how ?

With nearly 2,000 listed issuers and a market capitalization of approximately €6.6 trillion at the end of March 2022, Euronext boasts an unmatched franchise of blue-chip stocks and a highly diversified national and international client base.

At its core ?

Euronext operates regulated and transparent equity and derivatives markets, one of the leading electronic fixed-income trading markets in Europe, and the world's largest listing center for debt securities and funds. Our comprehensive product offering includes equities, currencies, exchange-traded funds, warrants and certificates, bonds, derivatives, commodities, and indices. The Group offers a multi-asset clearinghouse through Euronext Clearing and provides custody and settlement services through Euronext Securities' central securities depositories in Denmark, Italy, Norway, and Portugal.

Euronext also leverages its market expertise by providing technology and managed services to third parties. In addition to its main regulated market, it operates a number of junior markets, simplifying access to listing for SMEs.

How is this possible ?

Euronext views its members as key players in its success, regardless of their profession. To thrive in this dynamic environment, Euronext seeks to welcome more talents to join and contribute!

Euronext is hiring !

This is your opportunity to join a motivated and dynamic team in an international environment, where you can develop both generalist and operational skills in human resources management.


Key accountabilities

Within the Group HRIS & HR Services department , the HRIS Workday & projects intern will provide support to Euronext local HR Directors, HR business partner and payroll teams, in all countries and stakeholders across businesses.

She/he will pro-actively contribute to HRIS projects working with the

HR specialists team made of the HR operations team, compensation team and learning team..

You will join a diverse, international and agile team in charge of HR processes & systems at group level.

In a glimpse : If you are rigourous, reliable, proactive, eager to learn in an international environment and passionate about : HR, HRIS, Digital transformation, Project Management, Support, People Development, Process, Tools, Data & Reporting… let’s discuss !

As HRIS Workday & projects intern, some of your key accountabilities will be to :

HRIS management

  • Administrate the HRIS tools at the group level 
  • Manage data quality and control, especially between the main HRIS system Workday and other surround products by designing and implementing relevant KPIs and quality check. Look for automatization etc.
  • Testing Workday evolutions or new functionalities

Projects and process improvements

  • Participate actively in our HRIS projects such as evolutions of the tools by engaging with stakeholders to gather requirements and ensure that the tool’s evolution aligns with the HR community’s needs
  • Collaborate on Change management plan by working closely with the Group HR project manager to develop comprehensive change management strategies (including communication plans, trainings and support to HR team)
  • Foster continuous improvement by gathering feedback from the HR community to identify areas for improvement and by developing our HR Super Users community
  • Animate and engage with the HR community through the delivery of our recurring HR Newsletters and HR awareness sessions
  • Contribute to the integration of new entities in our HR processes and tools
  • Prepare and support operational committees across HR operations including Weekly updates and Project committee.
  • Contribute to update and improve internal HR documentation (policies, HR book of process, action cards, …)

Profile and skills

Education and knowledge

  • Business School or University degree in HR, Economics or statistics.


  • Structured, reliable and rigorous with attention to detail and ability to prioritize; Project management skills is a plus,
  • Client-service orientated,
  • Interest in HR systems and functionalities,
  • A previous experience in HR or with HR system like Workday or Time & Attendance will be a plus.
  • Excellent English verbal and written communication skills
  • Very good communication skills, both written and oral.

Ideal start date : September 2024


  • Italy
  • Customer success / support
  • Employee

Key accountabilities
• Ensure effective execution of this roadmap in coordination with internal and external stakeholders and take direct operational ownership for its implementation
• In line with the Voice of the Customer, set-up transversal tools and processes across Corporate Services products, to build an efficient customer success framework enabling best-in-class customer onboarding, support and feedback
• Set relevant KPIs, objectives and reporting across all products to drive customer excellence behaviour and ensure maximum customer satisfaction and retention
• Enhance customer experience: learn from local successes and generalise when applicable to other markets - travel required
• Lead ad-hoc projects to optimise progressively each step of the client journey
• Work together with the Sales, Marketing, Operations and Technical teams to innovate and generate up and cross selling opportunities amongst the existing portfolio of clients.
• The key accountabilities only describe the main activities and are not exhaustive. It evolves depending on the expertise level and ongoing projects

Your profile
• Experience in designing and implementing end-to-end customer success strategies and set-up
• Expert at using automation tools to streamline and structure processes across the entire customer journeys
• Demonstrated teamwork capabilities and ability to interact with different stakeholders in an international and multicultural environment
• Analytical thinking as well as ability to articulate a comprehensive strategy
• Business-driven, results oriented and proactive mindset
• Strong project management and coordination capabilities
• Flexibility and ability to adapt in fast growing and changing environment
• Fluent in English; while French, Italian and Deutch are a plus

We are seeking a dedicated and detail-oriented Fixed Income Market Specialist to join our Fixed Income team. This team is responsible for both the admission of products and the management of the secondary market, as well as maintaining relationships with issuers and operators.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Client Relationship Management: Maintain and develop relationships with clients, ensuring an accurate and detailed understanding of their needs and opportunities to increase their activity on the Italian fixed income markets.
  • Product Development Oversight: Oversee the development of new products or functionalities within the Retail Fixed Income Markets perimeter, working closely with internal teams, regulation, surveillance, and other key stakeholders.
  • Regulatory Expertise: Deep dive into European and Italian regulations surrounding the Fixed Income markets to stay updated on all regulatory topics.
  • Process Management: Accurately manage the processes of the retail fixed income markets, adhering to market rules while improving the quality of all process steps to meet client needs.


  • Accuracy and Timeliness: Demonstrate high accuracy and timeliness in completing assigned tasks.
  • Analytical Skills: Strong analytical capabilities to assess and interpret market trends and regulatory changes.
  • Interpersonal Skills: Excellent relational abilities and a predisposition to work effectively in a team environment.
  • Desired Qualifications:
  • Previous experience in fixed income markets or related fields.
  • In-depth knowledge of Italian and European fixed income regulations.
  • Proven ability to manage complex processes and improve operational efficiency.
  •  Strong client-facing skills with the ability to understand and respond to client needs effectively.

  • Belgium
  • Intern and Apprentice
  • Employee

Euronext Corporate Services Belgium is looking for an enthusiastic and motivated Intern Event Manager who wants to join the Company Webcast team in Brussels for a period of 4 to 6 months (school agreement or professional immersion contract).

Company Webcast provides high-end webcast and webinar solutions to more than 700 corporates and local governments, through a state-of-the-art platform using the most advanced technology. We offer flexible and tailor-made formats, depending on the customers’ needs, i.e. video or audio webcasts on location, conference call webcasts, highly interactive professional studio webcasts and self-service webinar licences. Since February 2017, Company Webcast is part of the Euronext group and operates studios in Capelle aan den IJssel, Amsterdam, Brussel, Paris, London, Milan and Frankfurt.

As an intern in Event Management, you play an essential role in the company, as you have a direct impact on the success of our clients' webinars and webcasts. For many of our clients, the world of webinars is new, and you (alongside an Event Manager) are the one who guides them through all processes and puts them at ease.


• Support the Event manager during the complete project management process
• Coordinate local suppliers and technical teams involved in the solution
• Support the success of client events (webinars/webcasts, on site...)
• Help clients optimize their working processes and effectively use Corporate Services solutions
• Develop specific, sector-oriented knowledge
• Identify needs and market developments
• Responsible for good internal and external communication


• A motivated, flexible and enthusiastic intern with a proactive attitude
• Be client-oriented with strong customer support skills and be a strong team player
• Good command of French, Dutch and English.
• Excellent communicative and organizational skills
• Broad knowledge of Information Communication Technologies

What do we offer ?

• Responsibility for your own projects

• Working with leading international companies

• A friendly team

• An international work environment


  • Italy
  • Business analysis
  • Employee
Key accountabilities • Elicit, analyze and document Business Requirements for development projects, testing and implementation • Work closely with PMO, Development and QA teams to support development and testing activities during the development, testing and acceptance phases of project implementation • Work with commercial teams on third party sales, including preparing responses to RFPs, performing Market Design Studies, Product support. • Communicate and integrate complex information related to IT solutions • Produce specific functional documentation and design, such as specifications, user guides and reports, for ITS exchange products Your profile • Strong problem-solving and analytical skills • Excellent oral and written skills adequate for documenting complex business requirements clearly and unambiguously • Strong interpersonal skills and ability to work in client-facing projects • Flexibility and ability to work in environments with changing priorities • Ability to interface with different project teams from the IT side to the business side

Our values

Our values shape our behaviour and define who we are, principles that are a reflection of us. Our values were defined by our employees as the behaviours everyone at Euronext strives to live and work by.

Euronext Values - Unity


  • Respect and value the people we work with
  • We are unified through a common purpose
  • Embrace diversity and strive for inclusion
Euronext Values - Integrity


  • Value transparency, communicate honestly and share information openly
  • Act with integrity in everything we do
  • Don't hide mistakes- learn from them
Euronext Values - Agility


  • Act with a sense of urgency and decisiveness
  • Be adaptable, responsive and embrace change
  • Take smart risks
Euronext Values - Energy


  • Be positively driven to make a difference and challenge the status quo
  • Focus on and encourage personal leadership
  • We motivate each other with our ambition
Euronext Values - Accountability


  • Deliver maximum value to our customers and stakeholders
  • Take ownership and be accountable for the outcome
  • Reward and celebrate performance

Gender equality

Euronext is committed to diversity and gender equality.

We are proud to disclose our score to the “Index de l’égalité professionnelle”.

For 2023, Euronext Paris has reached a score of 93/100 and Euronext Technologies of 88/100*.

We will keep improving all types of diversity.

*Details Results

Items Euronext Paris Euronext Technologies
Ecart de remuneration 38 33
Taux d’augmentation 35 35
Maternité 15 15
10 plus hautes rémunérations 5 5
Gender Equality - Euronext

Flavia Natario Da Silva

Business Analyst

They say it best...

Flavia joined the Porto Technology Centre in 2016 as a Product Support Analyst before contributing to the development of our Optiq trading platform. She now designs new functionalities that address our clients’ needs while anticipating quality assurance (QA) impacts.

Shelley Oor

Commercial Manager – Real Time Market Data

Within Euronext’s real-time market data business, Shelley started as an analyst before moving to policy making and is now responsible for all commercial  and regulatory projects.


About us

Learn more about Euronext

ESG | Empowering Sustainable Growth

A responsible member of each community we operate in.



Human Resources