Issuance Services

We offer access to Nordic and international investor hubs.

What we offer


Whether you are an issuer or an adviser, you rely on a secure infrastructure when you bring securities to the capital market. We provide a safe and secure distribution network, connected to TARGET2-Securities across currencies and asset classes, so that you can easily reach your target investors.

We can give you access to secure central bank settlement in DKK, EUR and SEK, and we operate CSD links to the most important investor hubs, such as Euroclear Bank, Clearstream Bank Luxembourg, and others. This ensures you efficiency gains, since our simple and unified issuance process can be applied to asset classes such as bonds, shares, funds and structured investment products.

White paper: The move towards a border-free European bond issuance market


Have you considered these five benefits issuers can realise by issuing international bonds through their local CSD:

  1. Same investor reach at a lower cost
  2. Reduced legal fees by issuing under local law
  3. Reduced settlement risk with central bank money issuance
  4. Increased operational efficiency through process harmonisation
  5. Issuing locally supports local capital markets

Download white paper - Bond issuance



Bjørn Stendorph Crepaz - Euronext Securities Copenhagen

Bjørn Stendorph Crepaz

Head of Issuance Products for Euronext Securities

+45 2969 2815