Analyst Coverage
Analysts consensus
This consensus is provided for informative purposes only. The numbers represent the average of the latest estimates provided by 15 of the analysts covering Euronext share.
Please note that this consensus was compiled using forecasts and models contributed by 15 analysts in January 2025. Consensus disclosed on Bloomberg and Factset might not include all analysts that contributed and Euronext does not guarantee consistency of figures in terms of disclosure.
This consensus is as at 24 January 2025 and Euronext is not liable for any future change in estimates past this date.
Consensus ahead of Q4 2024 results
in €m | Q4 2024 | FY 2024 |
Revenue (reported) | 408.8 | 1,620.0 |
Adjusted EBITDA | 246.5 | 1,000.3 |
Adjusted EBITDA Margin (%) | 60.3% | 61.7% |
Net profit (reported) | 141.8 | 582.8 |
Reported EPS | 1.37 | 5.64 |
Adjusted EPS | 1.64 | 6.56 |
Any opinions, estimates or forecasts regarding Euronext N.V. performance made by these analysts are theirs alone and do not represent opinions, forecasts, estimates or predictions of Euronext N.V or its management. The number of analysts that are included in the above consensus may differ from the total number of analysts that cover Euronext N.V., due to out of date forecasts.
The analysts that cover Euronext are listed below.
Analysts publishing research on Euronext
To the best knowledge of the Company, the following sell-side analysts actively cover Euronext:
ABN Amro - Oddo | Julian Dobrovolschi |
AlphaValue | Sylvain Perret |
Autonomous | Ian White |
Bank of America Merrill Lynch | Hubert Lam |
Barclays | Michael Sanderson |
Citigroup | Andrew Coombs / Samarth Agrawal |
CIC Market Solutions | Hervé Drouet |
Deutsche Bank | Benjamin Goy / Marlene Eibensteiner |
Exane | Arnaud Giblat / Gregory Simpson |
HSBC | Johannes Thormann |
Goldman Sachs | Oliver Carruthers / Charles Mayne |
ING | Reg Watson |
Jefferies | Tom Mills / Fangfei Li |
JP Morgan | Enrico Bolzoni / Punyaja Swaroop |
KBC | Thomas Couvreur |
KBW | Kyle Voigt / Alex Kalenski/ Girard Sweeney |
Kepler Cheuvreux | Tobias Lukesch |
Mediobanca | Alberto Nigro |
Morgan Stanley | Bruce Hamilton / Panos Ellinas |
Redburn | Nicholas Watts |
UBS | Michael Werner / Amit Jagadeesh |