Financial Derivatives Trading

Invest in Euronext Derivatives

Manage risk and leverage opportunities with Euronext financial derivatives. 

Find the contract to suit your trading strategy. 

  • Extensive range of financial derivatives contracts across Europe
  • Market makers and liquidity providers ensure consistent pricing throughout the trading day
  • Widely disseminated prices, available on major data vendors and tradable via over 20 ISVs
  • Trading in a transparent and reliable exchange environment
  • One of the largest pools of liquidity in Europe, leveraging strong clearing efficiencies via Euronext Clearing


Euronext Fixed Income Derivatives

Euronext expands into Fixed Income Derivatives

Where European Government Bonds Meet the Future

In September 2025, Euronext will launch fixed income derivatives on main European government bonds, providing a significant innovation in the financial derivatives space, while leveraging on its presence in the fixed income trading ecosystem via MTS Markets and the retail-focused MOT bond market.

The first phase of this strategic expansion will feature the launch of mini-sized, cash-settled futures on European government bonds. Listed on the Euronext Derivatives Milan market and cleared by Euronext Clearing, these contracts will deliver unparallaled accessibility and flexibility in trading strategies.

Download the factsheet

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New margin model for Euronext Single Stock Dividend Futures (SSDF)

Euronext's new risk model for SSDF improves margin levels and complements clearing efficiencies at the portfolio level. This model and the competitive trading fees make our range of Single Stock Dividend Futures highly attractive.

Euronext Deffered Publication Call out

Introducing Deferred Publication on Euronext’s Financial Derivatives markets

From now on, market participants can benefit from Deferred Publication, which is particularly useful for executing large trades, helping to minimise potential information leakage, and supporting market efficiency.

This key functionality is now available on both Euronext’s Optiq® trading platform and the Euronext Trader GUI. It allows members to opt for Deferred Publication of the trade details for eligible wholesale derivatives transactions.

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Market Quality Analysis on the Italian Stock Options Market

This analysis focuses on the behaviour of Italian Stock Options traded on-screen on Euronext Derivatives Milan before and after the migration to Optiq®.

(January 2025)

Image - Euronext Total Return Futures

Trade the Euronext CAC 40® and FTSE MIB Total Return Futures

Keeping on surfing the new wave of derivatives with the Euronext Total Return Futures

Gain exposure to the implied equity repo rate on the constituents of the CAC 40® Index and of the FTSE MIB Index in a transparent and secure trading environment via a centralised order book.

EU Single Stock Options

New German, Irish and Portuguese Single Stock Options

Euronext expands its range of pan-European derivatives contracts to offer broader trading opportunities
  • Gain exposure on all the stocks in the DAX 40 Index with the German Equity Options
  • Leverage more investing opportunities with the first-listed Irish Options on Euronext Amsterdam, and new  Portuguese Options on Euronext Lisbon, positioning Euronext as the only exchange to offer options on Portuguese stocks
  • Benefit from a single pool of liquidity and clearing efficiencies with Euronext's own CCP, Euronext Clearing
Extension of trading hours on expiry day for Euronext Equity Options

Extension of trading hours on expiry day for Euronext Equity Options

Available since 4 November 2024, Wholesale Large-In-Scale trades are permitted until 18:30 CET on expiry day across the Euronext Amsterdam, Brussels, Lisbon, Oslo and Paris Financial Derivatives markets for the Equity Options, including monthly and weekly contracts.

This change provides members with greater flexibility in handling expiring physically settled options.

Euronext distinguished at 2024 The TRADE Leaders in Trading Awards

Euronext distinguished at The TRADE Leaders in Trading Awards

On 8 November 2024, Euronext received the Editors' Choice Award for 'Outstanding Derivatives Trading Venue' at The TRADE Leaders in Trading Awards.

This recognition highlights Euronext's commitment to innovation and to creating additional value for clients in the derivatives space over the last several years.

Significant inroads into the financial derivatives markets across Europe have strengthened Euronext’s position and established it today as the market leader in options trading in Europe.

Euronext Trader-GUI

Euronext Trader, the trading front-end GUI

Providing to members an easy access to the derivatives market

Powered by Gatelab, a Euronext company and leading provider of trading and market access solutions.

  • Benefit from a simple and a secure access to Euronext’s derivatives contracts
  • Create a bespoke dashboard according to your needs
  • Profit from basic features accessible for free
  • Take advantage of a simplified access directly via web browser (no installation required)
Euronext Clearing

Powered by Euronext Clearing

The European multi-asset clearing house that provides a harmonised and robust risk management framework.

Euronext educational programme for derivatives

Educational programme on derivatives trading

To further democratise derivatives trading and enrich the available content, Euronext launched an educational programme for individual investors in collaboration with key market players.

It aims to provide retail investors with the fundamentals, enhancing their understanding of how trading derivatives, especially options, can help manage and optimise portfolios. 

More accessible off-book trading

Many contracts available to US investors

Wholesale Trading Offer


To invest in Euronext derivatives, contact your broker today or email the derivatives team on

If you are a firm considering becoming a Euronext trading member, contact our Client Services Team to find out more about our simple onboarding process:

Euronext Oslo Børs

Box 460 Sentrum, 0105 Oslo

+ 47 22 34 17 00

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+32 2 620 0585

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+33 1 8514 8585