ESG & Diversity at Euronext

At Euronext, we foster diversity and drive sustainability, empowering you to make a difference.

Diversity & Inclusion

At Euronext, we see all forms of diversity as a key success factor of our federal model. We believe that successful current and future leaders are those who are not just able to lead high-performing teams and projects effectively, but also to engage diverse teams and empower them with a focus on openness, inclusion, trust and cooperation. 

Diversity has been embraced in every area of Euronext’s people agenda. Diversity at Euronext includes gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, age, language, socioeconomic status, physical ability, experience and education. Euronext values diversity in all its forms and aspects. We strive to promote an inclusive culture, while respecting a zero-tolerance policy for any form of discrimination.

Fostering an inclusive culture

Diverse and inclusive by nature and by commitment

When you join us, you become part of a dynamic environment where diverse cultures and backgrounds come together to innovate and propel Euronext forward. According to our latest employee survey, 86% of our staff declare to be able to be themselves at Euronext without worrying to be accepted.

At Euronext, we maintain an inclusive culture through a wide range of concrete actions, either at local level or implemented across countries:

  • establishing the cross-location Euronext D&I network, composed of volunteers, from each Euronext location,
  • establishing local Women’s Networks in various Euronext locations, to enhance equal career opportunities for everybody
  • establishment of local partnerships with associations, school and recruitment agencies to increase our diversity in recruitment
  • celebration of International Women’s Day and Pride.


Signatory of the United Nations Women’s Empowerment Principles

With the signing of the Women’s Empowerment Principles in March 2023, Euronext reaffirmed its focus on building a sustainable, innovative and productive future.

These principles are the result of a collaboration between the UN Global Compact and UN Women. By signing them, Euronext is committing to the corporate delivery on gender equality dimensions of the 2030 agenda and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, while working collaboratively in multi-stakeholder networks to foster business practices that empower women.

More about the signature of Women’s Empowerment Principles

Gender equality

Gender equality

Euronext is committed to diversity and gender equality. As a company, we are committed to achieving balanced gender representation on our Supervisory Board and Managing Board. We also recognise that it is by recruiting, developing and retaining women in the Euronext workforce that we will be able to promote more women to senior positions. 
Our latest employee survey confirms that our people appreciate our commitment to diversity and inclusion, with almost 90% of Euronext employees believing that management genuinely supports equality between genders.

Euronext is included in the Index "Equileap Gender Equality Eurozone 100".

We are proud to disclose our score on the French Professional Equality Index (Index de l’égalité professionnelle)”. For 2023, Euronext Paris scored 93/100 and Euronext Technologies scored 88/100*. We will continue to work to improve all types of diversity across all our locations.

*Detailed results:

Items Euronext Paris Euronext Technologies
Pay gap (écart de rémunération) 38 33
Rate of increase (Taux d’augmentation) 35 35
Maternity (Maternité) 15 15
10 highest salaries (10 plus hautes rémunérations) 5 5

WellNext : Euronext Health and Wellbeing at work

At Euronext, we have a long-standing commitment to promote wellbeing and health topics and ensure an inclusive environment, creating better conditions for success and performance.

Our WellNext programme aims to improve the health and wellbeing of all employees at work. Our focus on wellbeing is reinforced through dedicated learning and awareness actions throughout the year, among which celebration of World Mental Health Day. Each Euronext location proposes adapted initiatives based on local needs. 

Euronext dedicates specific measures to all care givers and notably for employees in parental roles. We are committed to enable all our employees to care for and bond with a new-born or a newly adopted child and as such we respect and encourage parental leave in each location in conformance with local regulations.

Milan IPO run

ESG l Empowering Sustainable Growth

ESG is anchored in our mission, which is to provide trusted and sustainable markets to drive innovation and growth. To achieve this, we are committed to operating as a sustainable global business that benefits all our stakeholders.

We stand with our clients, team members, partners and all our stakeholders to ensure that our business practices and operations respect our environment, embrace diversity, value employee contribution, respect basic human rights and uphold the highest standards of business ethics and professional conduct.

Euronext offers a range of ESG products and services designed to accelerate climate action, driving the transition towards a European economy aligned with the 1.5° trajectory and supporting clients on their ESG journey.

Learn how we create  sustainable and innovative solutions for our clients

Building a culture of sustainability and community impact

At Euronext, employees play a vital role in building a culture of sustainability, with internal initiatives and engagement serving as central pillars of our strategy.

Moreover, as a responsible company, our dedication to sustainability extends beyond compliance; it is an integral part of our core values and business strategy. We have committed to science-based quantitative targets, validated by the SBTi, aligned with a 1.5°C trajectory. Additionally, we are committed to achieving Net Zero by 2050 at the latest.

For more details, read our transition plan.

Lastly, our ESG policies and statements provide a clear framework that guides our efforts to operate responsibly, sustainably, and ethically.

ESG Policies and Statements  


Euronext Sustainability Week

Each year, Euronext dedicates an entire week to Sustainable Finance, offering public opportunities for debate and fostering direct dialogue between companies and investors. These events cover key topics such as sustainable investing, ESG reporting, and green finance.

ESG experts, issuers, investors, governmental delegates, and representatives from financial institutions contribute to these discussions through local sessions, workshops, webinars, and hybrid events, held both online and in person.

Euronext Foundation

The Euronext Foundation aims to foster Euronext's support of local sustainable communities and projects across Europe in the fields of financial literacy, diversity and inclusion in finance, and marine resources.

It acts as an umbrella encompassing Euronext’s philanthropic and educational support via dedicated funding and volunteering initiatives to empower young people, promote sustainability, and strengthen our connections with local communities.

Euronext employees are entitled to up to two days per year to support an association as part of the Euronext Foundation. 

Euronext foundation

Other ESG Initiatives

Blue Challenge

Euronext Trading Game

Euonext Foundation