Sustainability in Euronext's Supply Chain

At Euronext, we are dedicated to sustainability and supporting our suppliers in reducing their environmental and social impact.  Learn about our ESG values, goals and what we expect from our suppliers in terms of sustainability and how we support you in the process.  

Conducting responsible business

Responsible business practices are fundamental to Euronext.  

The guiding principles that we expect ourselves and our suppliers to follow are outlined in our Supplier Code of Conduct, and Procurement and Supply Chain Policy. These principles cover Environmental, but also Social and Governance issues. By upholding these standards, we can collectively pursue a long-term vision of societal development and environmental stewardship. 

Our procurement policies emphasise sustainability and climate change considerations. They aim to reduce carbon dioxide and equivalent greenhouse gas (CO2e) emissions across our value chain.  

We have set clear expectations for our vendors, summarised below. 

Our Supplier Engagement Programme

To reduce CO2e emissions across our value chain, Euronext has implemented green procurement policies that emphasise sustainability and climate change considerations. 

Our Supplier Engagement Programme is designed to actively involve suppliers in aligning their emissions reduction efforts with the 1.5°C climate science target and transitioning to renewable energy sources. We provide education and support to our supply chain through our dedicated procurement teams, guiding them on their ESG journey.


What Euronext expects from its vendors

To support global climate change mitigation and achieve our environmental goals, we have established clear expectations for our vendors. 


Understand your starting point

Measure your organisation’s emissions to determine a baseline and identify key impact areas 


Commit to reduce your emissions


Take action to achieve your targets

  • Transition to renewable energy sources and continually improve energy efficiency to reduce overall consumption 
  • Engage with suppliers and customers to address emissions throughout your value chain

Share your progress annually

  • Annually measure and publicly disclose your CO2e emissions (Scopes 1, 2, and 3) 
  • Share key actions taken to reduce emissions, demonstrating your organisation’s commitment to its targets

Learn how you can comply WITH OUR CLIMATE SUPPLIER REQUIREMENTS                                                                               


Euronext Supplier Training

At Euronext, we are dedicated to sustainability and supporting our suppliers in reducing their environmental impact.  

Our training programme provides essential guidance on measuring and managing your carbon footprint, helping you align with global standards and promote a greener future.  

Join us in taking meaningful steps towards sustainability together. 

Register for Euronext's upcoming training sessions

How are these expectations integrated into our procurement practices?

  • The climate requirements detailed above are embedded into our contracts through time-bound clauses. This ensures that all new and renewed agreements align with our sustainability goals.  
  • Key suppliers will receive details of the new requirements by email and are asked to commit to the required actions. For large companies, this includes signing the SBTi commitment letter. Smaller companies should set science-based targets through the streamlined SME route.  
  • Euronext’s climate requirements are taken into account in the vendor selection process. Suppliers seeking partnership with Euronext must commit to these climate initiatives, joining us in our mission to reduce CO2e emissions and foster a sustainable future. Existing suppliers will be expected to meet these requirements in order to ensure ongoing and future collaboration.