Commodity contracts
Access a range of efficient and competitive instruments for managing price risk in commodities

Commodity Spread Contracts
Manage price risk in the global wheat market with the Euronext Spread Contracts, a complementary set of efficient hedging tools. Execute a spread strategy in a single trade, rather than planning two parallel and opposite trades for each position.
Euronext Commodity broker list
Access the list of brokers connected to the Euronext MATIF markets, including the Request-for-Cross participants for the options market.
Commodities News
Get key insights on the agricultural commodity markets and follow the latest trends. Made by Euronext and industry experts.
Read the latest news from the Euronext Commodities team.
Euronext Commodities in 2024
Last year’s volumes demonstrated the exceptional performance of the Euronext commodity derivative contracts, which continue to serve as global benchmarks for the agricultural and salmon industries.
Euronext Inventory Management
Transferable electronic certificates & warrants system for commodities
Benefit from a secure, digitised system providing full transferable, pledgeable title of commodity ownership for both the delivery of Euronext-listed commodities contracts, and for financing purposes.
- An electronic register developed with key industry players (cooperatives, traders, corporates, banks) to provide a secure, fully transferable, pledgeable title of commodity ownership
- Operates in all Euronext countries with eligible jurisdictions
- Simplified, automated system ensures increased visibility of Euronext-listed commodities stored in non-Euronext delivery silos
- Facilitates hedging, trading and financing for users of Euronext-listed commodities and physical traders.
Wholesale Trading
Off-order book on-exchange trading for Euronext commodity contracts: Against Actuals, Large-in-Scale, Exchange for Swaps and Exchange of Options for Options
Derivatives Tradable from U.S.
Key commodity and financial derivatives contracts directly accessible to U.S. clients.
Useful links

To trade Euronext commodities, contact your broker today or email