Listing process for Euronext Amsterdam, Brussels, Lisbon, Paris, & Oslo Børs

Listing procedure for ETFs on Euronext Amsterdam, Brussels, Lisbon, Paris, & Oslo Børs.

Simple straight through listing process for ETFs:

Complete the ETF Listing Form

Please also provide the following documents:

  • A prospectus that is passported by the regulator of the country in which you wish to list your ETF.
  • A Key Investor Document (KIID)
  • The Inclusion Agreement

Download ETF Listing Form

Upon receipt of the completed ETF Listing Form, Euronext will:

  • Verify the availability of the ETF Symbol
  • Automatically release a Euronext notice two business days prior to the effective listing date or earlier at your convenience
  • Automatically release a communication on the upcoming listing two business days before the effective listing date

ETFs and ETCs follow the same process.

Euronext ETF listing fees

  • PDF

ETF Listing Fees (Effective 1 JAN 2024)

English Version

English ETF Listing Fees (Effective 1 JAN 2024) /sites/default/files/2023-11/enx_group_listing_fee_book_etf-01jan2024.pdf
Stocks and shares

List of traded ETFs

Visit our markets website for a directory of all available ETFs, trading information, announcements and quotes.


List of traded ESG ETFs

Overview of listed and traded ESG ETs on our market website



Investing in ETFs

Learn how to trade in ETFs



ETF Team

General assistance

Euronext Corporate Actions Team

Listing Assistance, Listing in Amsterdam Brussels Lisbon and Paris