Euronext operates the following Multilateral Trading Facilities (MTFs) pursuant to MiFID II and that have their own dedicated Rules:
- Euronext Growth operated by Euronext Brussels, Euronext Dublin, Euronext Lisbon, Oslo Børs and Euronext Paris and governed by Euronext Growth Markets Rule Book;
- Euronext Growth Milan operated by Borsa Italiana and governed by Euronext Growth Milan rules and documents;
- Euronext Access operated by Euronext Brussels, Euronext Dublin, Euronext Lisbon and Euronext Paris and governed by Euronext Access Market Rules;
- Euronext Access Milan operated by Borsa Italiana and governed by Euronext Access Milan Market Rules;
- Euronext Expert Market operated by Euronext Brussels and governed by Euronext Expert Market Rule Book;
- Trading Facility operated by Euronext Brussels and governed by Trading Facility Rule Book;
- Euronext Global Exchange Market operated by Euronext Dublin and governed by Euronext Global Exchange Market Rules;
- Euronext GEM Equity operated by Borsa Italiana and governed by Euronext GEM Equity Market Rules;
- Trading After Hours operated by Borsa Italiana and governed by TAH Rules;
- SeDeX operated by Borsa Italiana and governed by SeDeX Market Rules;
- ATFund operated by Borsa Italiana and governed by ATFund Market Rules;
- EuroTLX operated by Borsa Italiana and governed by EuroTLX Market Rules.