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User Committee

In accordance with Article 28 of Regulation (EU) No 909/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 July 2014 and Article 17 of its Statute,   the User Committee, composed by following 9 members as representatives of Participant and Issuers, was established:


Designed Representatives


BNY Mellon

Elena Della Vedova

Global Markets Manager


Bradley Arrowsmith

Head of Market Infrastructure and Advocacy


Emmanuel Rolland

COO Repoclear

Banca Aletti

Francesco Brocci

Head of Operations

Banca Sella

Maurizio De Stefano

Head of Information providers and post trading


Sebastiano Colasuonno

Head of Asset Service

Assicurazioni Generali

Michele Colla

Head of Corporate Affairs

Ferrovie dello Stato

Stefano Pierini

Chief Finance and Investor Relation Officer

Stellantis Fabio Spirito Head of Board Secretariat Office

The 9 members  have been chosen in accordance with the User Committee Terms of Reference, where the governance and the operating procedures relating to the functioning of the Committee are also defined.

Mrs Elena Della Vedova was appointed as Chairman

Please note that the TOR User Committee published herein has been duly approved by the Board of Directors, on 03/25/2020, however the same document remains subject to possible amendments  or integrations which might be requested by the competent Supervisory Authorities as provided for by law and regulation in force applicable  to our central securities depository.


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4201_TOR_User Committee

English Version

English /sites/default/files/2024-05/4201_TOR_User%20Committee_Dec23.pdf 4201_TOR_User Committee