Euronext ESG funds

Supporting sustainable growth
Euronext ESG Funds are available to investors via a well-established trading platform for open-ended investment funds. It provides investor access to a broad range of ESG funds available from leading asset managers within a safe and secure trading infrastructure. ESG funds available on Euronext are classified Article 8 (“light green”) or Article 9 (“dark green”) funds in line with the product classifications in the SFDR.

Why invest in ESG funds with Euronext

  • Trade funds like ETFs – ESG funds are available on Euronext directly via your broker. A trading account can be set up with one of Euronext’s member brokers.
  • Regulated market – Euronext Amsterdam is an EU regulated market per MiFID
  • Electronic trading
  • Transparent investing - no retrocessions
  • Safe and secure trading and post-trade environment fully cleared and settled via Euronext’s post trade partners 

Euronext is a partner of the UN Sustainable Stock Exchanges initiative (SSE).


ESG Bonds instruments

Euronext ESG Funds

Discover the wide range of ESG funds available for trading at Euronext.


Brokers list

Is your broker on the list? If so, contact them to invest in funds through Euronext Fund Services.

Euronext ESG strategy

Euronext ESG Strategy

Euronext connects local economies to global markets for the transition to a more sustainable economy.

ESG fund issuers on Euronext