About us
VP Securities A/S is governed by the Board of Directors and the Management and has effective internal controls and a proactive risk management system. The Board of Directors ensures VP's strategic direction and that we comply with all relevant rules and regulations while the Management is responsible for day-to-day administration.
You can read more about our governance, Board of Directors, board committees and Management, in this section.
Euronext Securities Copenhagen, registered as VP Securities A/S, is a wholly owned subsidiary of Euronext N.V. and operates as a public limited company based in Copenhagen. Euronext Securities Copenhagen is governed by the provisions of its Articles of Association, by Regulation (EU) No. 909/2014 of July 23 (CSDR) and by the dispositions of the Danish Companies Act.
The Company’s Board of Directors comprises between four and six members, as determined by the General Meeting. The employees of the company have the right to elect a number of members. Each Board member services a one-year term, with an option for re-election. The Audit, Risk, and Remuneration Committees, are approved by the Board of Directors in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2017/392, Article 48. In addition, the User Committee is established by the Board, in compliance with Regulation (EU) 909/2014, Article 28.
Audit Committee
The Audit Committee is responsible for advising the Board of Directors on the performance the independent internal audit, for supervising the statutory audit, the financial reporting, and the internal control system.
Risk Committee
The Risk Committee is responsible for advising the Board of Directors on the Euronext Securities Copenhagen’s overall current and future risk tolerance and strategy.
Remuneration Committee
The Remuneration Committee is responsible for advising the Board of Directors on the Euronext Securities Copenhagen’s remuneration policy, which it shall oversee.
User Committee
The User Committee is responsible for advising the Board of Directors on key arrangements impacting the company’s members and users, including participation criteria.